In Brazil, more than a thousand deaths a day for 40 days in a row, but Bolsonaro continues to boycott masks and distancing. “We are collapsing”


Brazilian president Jair bolsonaro He has no intention of backing down an inch, and nothing seems capable of changing his mind. Nor the explosion of number of infections and deaths for Covid-19, now beyond the peak of the first wave, nor the appeal of the World Health Organization Adopt more effective measures to contain the virus in the face of the ongoing “tragedy”. Neither him governors tears unable by themselves to handle the pandemic that is disrupting the health system. The Head of State continues his personal battle against the use of the mask and against the adoption of social distancing measures, even threatening to cut federal transfers to states and municipalities that decide to adopt emergency shutdown. It is a war in the war that Brazil lives in the time of Covid. Amid reductionism, chaos, and a lack of political will, future scenarios are unpredictable.

“The worst period of the pandemic, there is a lack of national coordination” – The last cry of alarm was launched by the president of the National Council of Secretaries of Health of Brazil (Conass), Carlos Lula. The leader of the council that gathers i health managers from all 26 states and the Federal District, published a open letter calling for urgent measures against the imminent collapse of public and private health networks before the wave of new infections. “Brazil is experiencing the worst period of the pandemic, with high levels of contagion and deaths in all regionsLula argues in the letter in which he emphasizes that “there is a lack of unified and coherent national coordination to counteract the pandemic.” In particular, Conass argues that “it is necessary ban public events, including religious activities, suspend frontal lessons across the country, adopt a curfew national, bars and beaches nearby, expand the test campaign and follow-up on those infected, as well as a National Health Communication Plan to clarify the seriousness of the situation to the population “throughout the territory.”

Contagions and deaths – In February 2021 they were registered in Brazil 30,484 dead related to the coronavirus: it is the second worst monthly figure after that of July 2020, considered peak of the first wave pandemic in the country. The worrying thing is that it is also the third consecutive month in which deaths in a month were more numerous than in the previous month. As of February 28, the daily average of deaths from diseases related to Covid-19 infection reached the figure of 1,208 per day, the highest ever recorded since the start of the pandemic. A change 11 percent higher than the average of the previous two weeks. Also, the average is over 40 days more than a thousand deaths a day. Regarding infections, the daily average for the last seven days was 54,547 new cases, 21 percent more than the previous two weeks. February 25 was the day that the historical record of deaths in 24 hours was registered: 1,582 people. The incidence rate, which has been growing steadily since the beginning of the pandemic, has increased further to reach i 5,020 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, while the mortality rate stands at 121 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants.

The situation in hospitals – Faced with the irrepressible wave of Covid, the national health system is close to general collapse. While in january the exhaustion of beds and all oxygen supplies available it had only affected the state of Amazon, now the scenario is likely to be repeated in practically the entire country. Eight of the 27 states have already occupied the 90 percent of available beds, ten more than 80 percent. According to projections ofInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (Ihme) from the University of Washington, the worst is yet to come. According to scientists, the rising curve of infections, deaths and bed occupancy in intensive care is likely to reach the new peak only in June, when the estimated death toll could reach 380 thousand.

Vaccines – After a long battle, pressured within the government and the productive sector, Bolsonaro made only a small concession: the opening towards buying vaccines. Despite the initial opposition between boycotts and numerous public outings against the use of anti-covid serums, the head of state had to at least accept this. However, amid delays, logistical errors and positions, the National immunization plan does not take off. Currently, only the 3.20 percent of the population received at least the first dose of vaccine. Serum from the Chinese pharmaceutical industry was largely administered Sinovac and then that of AstraZeneca, the only ones who have received emergency use authorization and with which the government has signed contracts. The supplies, coming from China and Indiahowever, they are constantly late and several times the states and municipalities have had to interrupt the campaign due to Exhausted. The National Surveillance Agency has also authorized the end use of the Pfizer vaccine. The battle fought by Bolsonaro over the legal clauses of the contract, however, is preventing the purchase. The impasse is caused by some clauses of the contract that the Brazilian government does not want to accept. In one in particular, Pfizer is calling for the government to take over the full legal responsibility in the event of any lawsuit or lawsuit that is filed for side effects or problems caused by the vaccine. A will that the government has shown it does not have. Along with many others.
