Cartabianca, the Emg Acqua survey: M5 with Conte’s lighter stratospheric numbers. Pd drama: disappeared – Libero Quotidiano


And if in the end Beppe Grillo Had he seen us well? The choice to entrust the 5 star movement to Giuseppe Conte seems to pay off sensationally in terms of polls. That of Emg water for CartabiancaThe Rai3 talk led by Bianca Berlinguer, for example, marks a true explosion of the Movement and at the same time a collapse of the Democratic Party, reversing the roles that have crystallized for months in the new center-left.

First FdI party.  The report, Giorgia Meloni one step away from triumph: but beware, that mistake that you should not make (otherwise ...)

The thunderous numbers: the League it is still the first party, but the entry into the government of national unity seems to penalize Matteo salvini, which falls from 24.1% to 22.9%, losing 1.2 points. Behind the League, as mentioned, the M5s return with the leader of Conte, which jumps from 13.8% a week ago to 21.2%, gaining 7.4 points. Double overtaking, therefore: top Brothers from Italy, substantially stable in 15.8% (-0.1) and especially in the P.S of Gypsies, protagonist of a political collapse with little precedent, from 19.4 to 14.4% (five dry spots burned in 7 days). Behind them, surprisingly also loses Go Italy, gliding towards him 6.6% (-1.3) with Italy Long Live stable in 4.4 percent.

M5 leader count?  However, he can no longer be the federation of the center-left.  Spadafora and the first bets against Giuseppi / Video

“In politics it is not only cunning, but also loyalty – comments the Pd Mayor of Pesaro in relation to Berlinguer Matteo ricci -. Conte’s consent explains why it is important to us. It was okay not to throw away the government’s experience with him. Now a new phase is opening. “Paradoxically, the enthusiasm for Conte seems more alive among the dem than among the grillini and their followers.” Perhaps the only solution for the Five Stars now is to trust Conte: this is the prediction of Andrea scanzi of Daily occurrence -. But with him perhaps he will become a liberal and moderate force and that will make the ‘Taliban’ inside wonder where they are. “More convinced, the former Minister of Education Lucia azzolina: “The 5 Star Movement must improve skills, Giuseppe Conte has them. We made mistakes, we burned political talents. In the past Di Maio he was left alone. Now the Movement is a teenager, it is growing ”.

Only Berlusconi and Meloni enjoy.  And Draghi?  Pay attention to these figures: first cracks, a very strong signal
