Coronavirus in Trentino, 3 cases in Cavedine and Volano. The 61 municipalities of the infection and where the death occurred


TRENTO. I’m 34,957 almost me 1,274 deaths in Trentino due to the coronavirus emergency since the beginning of the epidemic, they are 29,956 the healed from the beginning of the emergency and 3,727 current positives. One death was reported, recorded in Riva del Garda. The balance is 824 deaths in this second wave of Covid.

There are 233 people seeking treatment in the hospital system of which 42 patients are in intensive care me 40 in high intensity. 71 have been found positive from the analysis of 1,002 molecular buffers; the 149 other infections have been identified through 2,058 antigenic test. 91 positivity is added, confirming the rapid tests of the last days. 3,060 molecular and antigenic swabs were analyzed. There are 73 isolated classes. Today 234 cures (article here).

Frontal vaccination campaign. There are 44,899 doses administered in Trentino, of which 15,822 are second doses. There are 7,070 guests in nursing homes vaccinated, including calls.

The provincial monitoring panel reports the cases verified with molecular and antigenic swabs in the last 24 hours: 220 positives.

In detail. TO Trento They have been found 58 positives, the current positives are 713. 18 almost to Pergine Valsugana (258 current positives) e 9 infections to Roncegno Terme (38 current positives).

exist 7 contagion to Arc (151 current positives) e Levico (61 current positives); 6 almost to Lavis (107 current positives), Castel Ivano (32 current positives) e Grigno (18 current positives).

Then 5 positives to Riva del Garda (125 current positives), Civezzano (27 current positives); 4 infections to Cembra Lisignago (23 positive current), Calceranica (10 current positives) e Valdaone (13 current positives).

I’m 3 and contagion to Borgo Valsugana (43 current positives), Giovo (83 positive current), Cavedine (34 current positives), They fly (17 current positives), Comano Terme (21 current positives), Sant’Orsola (12 current positives) e Campitello di Fassa (10 current positives).

I’m 2 i almost to Rovereto (149 current positives), To the (56 current positives), Mezzolombardo (64 current positives), San Michele all’Adige (62 current positives), Ville d’Anaunia (18 current positives), Giudicarie saddle (16 current positives), Terre d’Adige (52 current positives), Pinzolo (10 current positives), Villas of Fiemme (31 current positives), Nogaredo (12 current positives), Nago-Torbole (8 current positives), Stenic (18 current positives) e Walk it (10 current positives).

Still 1 positive to Predaia (61 positives), Ledro (13 current positives), Dro (56 current positives), Plateau of Vigolana (27 current positives), Vallelaghi (28 current positives), Brentonico (25 current positives), Dig (18 current positives), Madruzzo (19 positives), Aldeno (21 current positives), Pieve di Bono-Prezzo (3 current positives), Isera (6 current positives), Calliano (3 current positives), Bedollo (9 current positives), Ticino Castle (11 current positives), Pomarolo (2 current positives), Altavalle (18 current positives), Ziano di Fiemme (16 current positives), Tenno (11 current positives), Peio (15 current positives), Sleeping (7 current positives), Dimaro Folgarida (6 current positives), Canvas-Lases (19 positives), Mezzano (1 positive current), Make pay (3 current positives), Cimone (2 current positives), Course (5 current positives), Amblar-Don (5 current positives) e Bresimo (3 current positives).
