Juve-Napoli recovery: not by De Laurentiis on March 17


The president of the Neapolitan team would like to avoid three big away games in 8 days (Milan, Juve and Rome). But if the bianconeri are still in the cup, March 17 would be the only free date

The request was made at the last assembly of the Lega. Aurelio De Laurentiis took advantage of this to launch his proposal to President Dal Pino: to postpone Juventus-Napoli even more, with respect to the date set for March 17. The top Neapolitan coach is worried, the challenge with the Bianconeri would come in the middle of two direct confrontations, with Milan and Rome, both out. In training, in a week (from 17 to 24), Napoli should play against three great players and, above all, away from Maradona. Hence the idea of ​​proposing to the president of the League the transfer to another date of the match with the bianconeri that was not played on October 4, as the schedule had foreseen for the intervention of ASL Napoli 1, which had to be the team to get to Turin. As you will recall, two days before leaving for the Piedmontese capital, Zielinski and Elmas tested positive for Covid and the health authority imposed fiduciary isolation.


A decision that cost Napoli the defeat at the table (3-0) and a penalty point in the classification, according to the sports judge. Sentence confirmed by the Federal Court of Appeals and later annulled by the Coni Guarantee College, gathered in joint sections. Now De Laurentiis would like a new postponement, but everything will be conditioned by the trajectory of Juventus in the Champions League. If the Bianconeri overturned the result of the first leg on Tuesday, then there would be no other dates available than the 17th. And therefore the Napoli’s president’s request could not be taken into consideration.
