The provinces of Bologna, Modena ed Ancona are the largest areas completed today Red zone by decision of the respective Regions. The situation in Emilia romagna has been very complicated for a few days: yesterday the ASL alarm in the capital that had underlined the bed shortage and the speed of contagion. “It is worse than the second wave,” local health authorities said. The current ones, with the appearance of new variants of Covid“These are complicated days and you have to have the strength and courage to make decisions that are even difficult, but necessary, if we want to push ourselves now, and then leave as soon as possible and forever,” the governor wrote on Facebook. Stefano bonaccini.
Bologna and its province will be the red zone from Thursday to March 21. Nurseries and kindergartens will also be closed, as well as non-essential commercial activities. Same decision for Modena: “A necessary and indispensable choice to stop the spread of the infection”, says the mayor Gian Carlo Muzzarelli. In the last week in the Modena area the incidence was 388 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. At the moment, the area of the Romagna (Ravenna, Cesena me Rimini), while a similar measure could soon be taken for the province of Reggio emilia. The details of the ordinance, valid for two weeks, will be defined tomorrow by the Region.
The red zone will begin tomorrow in the province of Ancona, but it will only last until March 5. The provision will be valid until the expiration of the Dpcm in force, that is, on Friday, March 5. For the next period we will issue a new provision, as soon as the final text of the new Dpcm is known, which will come into effect on Saturday, March 6, “said the governor. Francesco Aquaroli. In the ordinance it is “strongly recommended to carry out the activity distance education in all schools where there is an increase in cases of infection by the Sars-Cov-2 virus, also based on the provisions of the Scientific Technical Committee ”. It is always necessary to make use – then the act provides – of self-certification regarding the causes of the move ”.
They turn red 14 municipalities of Piedmont: 12 of the Po Valley, in the Cuneo area, and two in the Turin area linked to the Cavour outbreak (Turin) where the anti-contagion hardening has been in force since last Saturday, The provision refers to Barge, Bagnolo Piemonte, Crissolo, Envie, Paesana, Gambasca, Revello, Martiniana Po, Oncino, Ostana, Rifreddo, Sanfront, all in the Cuneo and Scalenghe area and Bricherary, in the Turin area. The number of Piedmont municipalities in the red zone thus amounts to 22: Cavour and the 7 municipalities of the Val vigezzo.
The president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga: “Pordenone and Trieste they are still areas where the incidence of infections has not increased, while the rate is high and worrying in the former provinces of Gorizia and even more so in Udine. “The increases are due to the variations that also affect the youngest segment of the population. population. “We need rigorous, effective but acceptable measures as much as possible, the positive application” of the contraction of freedom “occurs when there is a wider distribution.”
Also in Tuscany Arezzo ed Empoli I am at risk. “Both risk” the red zone but “the situation is less worse” and it may not be necessary to take these measures, the president said. Eugenio Giani. “Now – he explained – we have a red zone in the provinces of Pistoia and Siena.” In Calabria the municipalities of Briatico, Dasà, Gerocarne and Sorianello, all in the province of Vibo Valentia. The measure will be in force until March 17, 2021. The provision takes into account the note of the Prevention Department of the Provincial Health Authority of Vibo Valentia, which reported that in the municipalities “there is a Rapidly evolving epidemiological trend., with a high incidence of new cases compared to the resident population, in recent days ”; and that “the observed situation could suffer a sudden worsening, due to the high number of social contacts that took place with subjects who later tested positive, arising during epidemiological investigations.” It was already the red zone last week and the island of La Maddalena will be until March 5, where between Sunday and Monday 25 positives out of 7,000 swabs were found. “We intervene immediately to block the chain of infections and secure the island and the entire community,” says the extraordinary commissioner of the Ats of Olbia. Massimo Temussi.