“The intention, not only of the Government but of all the Presidents of the Regions, is to keep the schools open: we all want them open, we know that it is the most essential service. So there is a desire to play the game on the school side ”.
This is guaranteed by the Minister of Regional Affairs. Mariastella gelmini at the Palazzo Chigi press conference on the new anti-Covid measures.
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It is clear, however, that there is a problem linked to the variants, which is not exacerbated in children, but it is true that from the point of view of infection there is a problem: suspension of activity is required in the presence, but in particular cases, where the criterion identified by the CTS of 250 infections in 100,000 inhabitants during 7 days is verified and where there is a negative evolution of the virus. Only where these conditions exist is it necessary to close the
schools “.
For Gelmini, It is a measure that is taken with great regret by all and it is an exceptional measure, regarding which it is clear that distance education must be strengthened and that the connection exists for all families and therefore there are no excluded young people. of this need, ensuring that this gap is bridged. “
Still: “In the Decree of Support there are also resources for the school: they will also be retroactive resources, that is, relative to the months of January onwards; and there will also be resources for distance education ”.
“The resources are there – assures the representative of the Government – the problem is to spend them very quickly and to make sure that there is an immediate strengthening of distance learning, of the use of the connection, so that the children feel that they will not be able to follow the lessons in the presence of not losing an absolutely essential training capacity. The Sostegno decree will also be a place to recover resources for the school ”.
Finally: “The government provision provides for the closure of all schools at all levels in the red areas; Outside of the red zones, the Regions have requested to have a parameter to which their provisions will be standardized, identified by the CTS at 250 per 100,000 inhabitants for 7 days and therefore the closure of schools is evaluated, in light of this parameter , also of the epidemiological evolution. Logically, governors are left with a discretion linked to the assessment of the pandemic in a given territory. “
New DPCM, schools closed in red areas. That’s when in the orange and yellow areas. All measurements valid until Easter [TESTO UFFICIALE e VIDEO GUIDA]