Esperanza: “Vaccination passport, in harmony with the EU” | Locatelli: “A single dose for those who have already had Covid”


“Curve in recovery, we must win the pandemic” – “The guiding principle of the new Dpcm – clarifies Minister Speranza -, adopted after extensive discussions with Parliament and the Regions, is the protection of health as a fundamental issue and a beacon, a fundamental guideline. To rebuild the country, for the development of the country, we have to win the pandemic. The curve gives strong signs of recovery and recovery and we are facing dangerous variants such as the English one, but also the South African and South American ”.

Hope defends Arcuri “I want to thank Commissioner Arcuri on behalf of the entire government, who has done an important job in a very difficult condition,” Speranza responds to a journalist who asked for a comment on the work of the former emergency commissioner. “It is important that the institutions and the country recognize the work done by Arcuri,” he adds. Explaining that “it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to choose new collaborators, it was done for some members of the government and for decisive roles, such as head of Civil Protection and it could happen again.” But now “we must all work together, because the objective is to provide answers to the tremendous challenge that lies ahead”.

Brusaferro explains how to act with respect to the different variants The panorama of the pandemic, therefore, is aggravated due to the variations and it is essential to take timely measures, as stressed by the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, at the press conference at Palazzo Chigi to illustrate the next Dpcm: “To The Brazilian variant – he says – the challenge is containment: it is necessary to intervene surgically with the red zones and prevent it from spreading to other contexts. This double strategy must also be accompanied by close monitoring of incidents and strong support for vaccination ”.

At the same time, he points out, “the circulation of the English variant is in the majority and will be increasing: it has greater transmissibility and the best way to combat transmissibility is to reduce transmission opportunities.

Locatelli: “more transmissible English variant, but not more serious” Another fact is the greater spread of variant infections among the younger population, which until now has been less affected by the virus. We have clear evidence that the English variant “is more transmissible” in age groups between 10 and 19 years old, but also between 6 and 10 years old “in which” there is an increase in the number of infected cases “, observes Franco Locatelli ., President of the Higher Health Council at a press conference, specifying however that this greater infectious power “is not associated with a more serious pathology.” Regarding the efficacy of the vaccines, the English variant does not present resistance, while for the Brazilian there have been reports of reinfection that, argues Locatelli, “should not, however, be characterized by particularly serious forms.”

“A single dose for those who have already been infected” With regard to subjects who have already been infected in the past by Sars-Covid 2, on Wednesday a circular from the general prevention department “of the Ministry of Health” will be issued, so there was an opinion from both Aifa and Css, in which for those already infected there will only be one dose of vaccine, since the infection plays a “primer” role, with the sole exception of the immunosuppressed “, concludes the president of the CSS.

Gelmini: “It is not a last minute decree, there has been a change in method” – “It is a Dpcm that is not last minute that marks a change of pace and a new method”. This was highlighted by the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Mariastella Gelmini. “Synchronization is essential so as not to cause further inconvenience to citizens: the draft – he says – is ready as of Friday and tonight we can complete the Covid Dpcm. There is a change in the method, because the Dpcm is based on Maximum Possible Sharing. Parliament’s resolution is the beacon, then the sharing spread to the Regions, Provinces, Municipalities. We try to acquire the point of view of the administrators: we accept some proposals such as the exit measures as of Monday. “The minister stressed that he had” taken on another proposal from the Regions, that of a table to evaluate the 21 parameters. It will be a technical table, but it will be a time to balance the criteria and evaluate if there will be a change “. Be necessary.”
