President Mario Draghi today signed the new Dpcm with measures to combat Covid-19. It will be in effect from March 6 to April 6, 2021. and confirms, until March 27, the prohibition already in force to travel between different regions or autonomous provinces, with the exception of travel for reasons of work, health or necessity. Among the main novelties, the closure of schools in the red zone and the end of the takeout ban after 6 pm regardless of the risk range: yellow, red or orange.
Gelmini: “It is not a last minute Dpcm, shared with the local authorities”
Bar, to go even after 6 pm
“In all areas, the ban on carrying after 6 pm has been removed for the retail trade of beverages that should not be consumed on site,” the new Dpcm reads.
White zone
In the white zone, the cessation of restrictive measures planned for the yellow zone, while continuing to apply general anti-contagion measures (such as, for example, the obligation to wear a mask and maintain interpersonal distances) and sectoral protocols. The events related to gatherings (fairs, congresses, discos and public in stadiums) remain suspended. TO “permanent table” at the Ministry of Health, with the representatives of the interested regions, the Technical-Scientific Committee and the Higher Institute of Health, to monitor the effects of the relaxation of the measures and verify the need to adopt other measures if necessary.
Dpcm, Speranza: “In force until April 6, long confrontation with regions and Cts”
In the red zone as of March 6, the suspension of the activity in the presence of schools of all levels, including preschool and elementary schools. The possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities for students with disabilities and special educational needs is guaranteed. Regarding the orange and yellow areas, the Presidents of the regions may order the suspension of school activities: in areas where they have adopted stricter measures due to the severity of the variations; in areas where there are more than 250 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a 7-day period; in the case of an exceptional situation of worsening of the epidemiological picture.
Museums, theaters, cinemas and sports facilities
In the yellow zone, the possibility of museums opening on weekdays is confirmed, guaranteeing a controlled influx. From March 27, again in the yellow areas, it is also open on Saturdays and holidays. As of March 27, in the yellow areas, the possibility of reopening theaters and cinemas, with pre-assigned seats, is foreseen, complying with the distancing regulations. The capacity cannot exceed 25% of the maximum, up to 400 spectators outdoors and 200 indoors per room. Gyms, swimming pools and ski resorts are closed.
In all areas, the ban on carrying after 6 pm has been lifted for the retail trade of beverages that are not consumed locally.
Ancona, the red zone extends throughout the province. Macerata is also at risk. Mancinelli: “Schools must be closed”
Personal services
In the red zones, personal services such as hairdressers, barbers and beauty centers will be closed.
Transfers to and from abroad
The number of countries participating in the experimentation of so-called “Covid-tested” flights is increasing. Those who have been in Brazil in the previous 14 days can also enter Italy to reach the domicile, home or residence of their minor children.
Comparative table with regions
A discussion table is set up in the Ministry of Health, with members representing the Higher Institute of Health, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Regional Minister and the Autonomous Communities and the Technical-Scientific Committee, with the task of proceeding with the eventual review or update of the parameters for the evaluation of epidemiological risk, also taking into account the new variants.
Last updated: 20:56