the 5 star movement conducted by Giuseppe Conte? It would have almost the same qualifications as the League, thus returning to the top of the preferences of Italians. At least according to the latest survey of Swg for La7. After yesterday the former prime minister accepted the proposal. Beppe Grillo, adhering to the relaunch project of the M5, we can talk about a real Count effect about 5 stars. Wanting to understand what paper to this He studied for the former prime minister at the top of the Movement, in fact, the research institute has raised the hypothesis of an electoral round with the 5 stars led by the tenant of Chigi Palace. The survey assigns the M5s the 22% of the votes, with a growth of 6.2 percentage points compared to the last survey seven days ago. The grillini would therefore hook the Carroccio, measured in 22.3% and in the fall of 1.1 percentage points. In general, the membership of Count up to 5 stars it causes all the major parties to lose their consensus. The worst effect would be P.S, that would leave 4.3 points on the street, standing in 14.2%: negative record for dem in national competitions. I would also lose a point Brothers from Italy, which, however, would remain at an altitude 16.1, thus making the overtaking in the P.S, but coming of course surpassed by the M5. Forza Italia closes at 6.1, with -0.8% compared to the last survey, while the rest of the parties would have a total of 19.3% (+0.9).
The former prime minister is fishing (too) among the undecided – The Conte effect is also registered in the undecided: last week the voters who preferred not to express themselves were the 41%while today drop to 35. The direct involvement of the former prime minister in politics, therefore, would reverberate across the stage. Just think that a week ago it was Fdi – the only party in opposition to the government of Mario draghi – to record the most significant increase: gained 1.3% hitting i 17 percentage points. With Conte on the field, however, the match of Giorgia Meloni It would be exceeded by 5 stars. However, I would make a counter pass to the detriment of P.S, true movement feedback tank led by former prime minister.
The return of the lawyer – Then lectio magistralis at the University of Florence Conte met with Grillo on Sunday and expressed his willingness to refound the M5s. At the end of the meeting, sources close to the former prime minister spoke of a “one crucial challenge For him Movement, a comprehensive restructuring to transform it into a political force that is increasingly open to civil society, capable of becoming a central reference in the current political framework and of playing a decisive role from now on. 2050“In a note sent to agencies, the M5 is defined as a” driving force of ecological transition and digital, however, based on irreplaceable pillars, those original values that have always distinguished it: environmental protection, the importance of public ethics and the fight against corruption, gender contrast, intergenerational and territorial inequalities , the fight against income from position and privileges, the broader participation of citizens in democratic life by strengthening the institutions of direct democracy ”.