
Less than a month after leaving Palazzo Chigi, Giuseppe Conte come back like leader of the 5-star Movement, a party that Beppe Grillo wants to be re-founded and on which the former prime minister claims to have “White paper”. Ultimately, after days of negotiations and reflections, Conte agreed to face the “complete restructuring” of the Movement now destroyed by disputes, escapes and expulsions. Reports the Corriere della Sera that the former prime minister did not want any formal assignments at this point and took a week to decide. “Obviously Conte will be the leader,” reveals someone who spoke directly to Grillo. At the summit with the great names of the Cinque, Stelle Conte assured that if the project is shared by all, “I will commit to carry it out together with members, parliamentarians and supporters.”

Thus Conte, supported by confidential polls and numbers confronted by Rocco Casalino, his faithful spokesman, asked for full freedom to reestablish the Movement and make it pass from the “vaffa” party to a pro-European, environmentalist and moderate party. , as he has in mind. Luigi di maio He offered his full support: “Conte will offer a decisive contribution to our cause,” said the Chancellor with conviction.
For his part, Beppe Grillo wants the former prime minister to fully assume the leadership of the Five Stars as the sole leader and not to manage the five stars, as previously decided, which would only feed internal divisions and different currents. . At most, Conte will be supported by an indefinite “secretariat”. Then we will have to review the relationships with Davide casaleggio and the Rousseau platform. And this will be a good knot to untie.

Also because the fractures do not heal. Oneself Lucia Azzolina, Federico D’Incà, Castaldo and Stefano Buffagni enthusiastically welcome Conte’s arrival, there is no shortage of discontent. The internal fight did not stop, the talks of the parliamentarians burn. Crimi, Crippa and Patuanelli are in sight. Furthermore, Vito Crimi and Roberta Lombardi himself want to vote for Rousseau for governance at five on February 17, as had been decided. Not only. It seems that the frost has fallen between Conte and Riccardo Fraccaro. In short, Conte will also be the new leader but he will not agree with everyone. The knots to untie are many, perhaps too many.

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