America’s Cup, Luna Rossa’s lawyers ask for the tonnage postponement. A disruptive action – OA Sport


The America’s Cup also thrives on subtleties and small psychological battles. As we anticipated yesterday, it was rumored that the measurement operations, after the postponement of the first regattas, would be moved to Wednesday, March 3. We remember in fact that theAmerica Cup Will not start before March 10 – an official ACE decision after the Level 3 lockdown currently in effect in Auckland

After a series of discussions, the organizers confirmed the declaration day Monday, March 1. Therefore, the measurement operations have already taken place. From now on none Red Moon neither Emirates Team New Zealand They will no longer be able to modify boats, except for sails and mainsails. You will no longer be able to touch, for example, the slats, the hull or the mast.

For OA Sport it seems that Luna Rossa’s lawyers have asked for the postponement of declaration day to Wednesday March 3Furthermore, as Davide Cannata had anticipated yesterday. It was pure and simple disturbing action: for both teams the two extra days before ‘declaring’ the boat would have objectively changed little. In essence: that’s done, it’s done. The New Zealanders, despite the change in dates for the America’s Cup, wanted to confirm the measurement operations to date so as not to allow Luna Rossa to make further changes. Obviously, the Kiwis feel very confident in Te Rehutai on the one hand and prefer not to support the Italians on the other..

In this point “the die is castTo quote Julius Caesar. The die is cast. The development of the boats, at least for this edition, is finished. Red Moon has made some changes to the foils after the Prada Cup final with Ineos – differences so subtle that it is difficult to discern them with the naked eye. In addition, the new North Sail sails arrived from Italy, as planned. In the coming days, both Prada Pirelli Team and Emirates Team New Zealand will be able to continue training despite Alert 3, making sure to stay in their bubbles and respect the restrictions.

America’s Cup, Francesco Bruni: “Luna Rossa has improved 10% in strong winds. Small changes in the plates “

Photo: Luna Rossa Press
