A never-before-seen wedding carriage, the new discovery in Pompeii after a failed looting of a Roman villa – Photos and videos


While Pompeii continues to donate beauties of the ancient world to the community – the latest discovery is Thermopoly, presented on December 26 – there are those who try to exploit the artistic heritage of the area for personal gain. Near the official excavation of Pompeii, the body of the archaeological park and the prosecution thwarted a clandestine excavation: the criminals looted a large Roman villa inside which, later, the archaeologists found a ceremony car in good condition.

The erotic-themed decorations, made of bronze and pewter, are clearly visible. There are two theories about the intended use of the parade float: either the vehicle had a religious function in the cult of Ceres and Venus, or it was used for the wedding ceremony of an aristocratic family. The archaeologists, in the cart, have even found traces of cushions, ropes and the imprint of two ears of corn left on a seat. “For Italy it is unique – he told theAnsa Massimo Osanna, outgoing director of the archaeological park -. Could be a Pilentum, ancient ceremonial chariot used by the elite ».

The Minister for Cultural Heritage, Dario Franceschini, announcing the discovery at the Civita Giuliana excavation, said: “Pompeii continues to amaze and will continue to do so for many years, with 20 hectares still to be excavated. But above all, it shows that you can develop, attract tourists from all over the world and, at the same time, carry out research, training and study.

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