Covid: WHO, the new wave in Brazil, is a tragedy – Last Hour


(ANSA) – SAN PAOLO, FEB 27 – Brazil faces “a tragedy” caused by “a new wave” of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.

“Unfortunately, it is a tragedy that Brazil faces this again, it is difficult. This should be the fourth wave that Brazil faces,” said Mike Ryan, WHO emergency director.

Ryan praised Brazil’s public health system and state action to counter the spread of the coronavirus, but stressed that national transmission must be controlled. “Brazil has many exceptional public health facilities. I think the country knows what to do and many states are trying to apply the best measures. But it is not easy because there is not a part of the country that has not been seriously affected by the pandemic.” , according to Ryan.

The growing trend of deaths and infections by Covid-19 in Brazil “should be a warning to everyone, the pandemic is not over and any relaxation is dangerous,” added the WHO (ANSA) executive.