New Dpcm, cinemas and theaters: Cts ok. Towards the reopening of March 27 in the yellow zone


The manifestation of actors and spectators (Ansa)
The manifestation of actors and spectators (Ansa)

Rome, February 26, 2021 – Cinemas, theaters and concert halls see the light at the end of the Covid closing tunnel: today the Cts has given the green light to the protocol presented by Minister Franceschini, prepared with the sector associations, for the safe reopening of cinemas and theaters. The goal is reopen March 27, World Theater Day: on Wednesday the CTS had already accepted the general layout and highlighted the prospect of reopening at the end of March, but the epidemiological situation will be reviewed two weeks before.

However, the CTS has indicated a series of publications, based on the fact that the opening will only be possible in regions in the yellow zone and in any case no later than 10 pm. In addition to a series of indications in the maximum occupancy, and the obligation to carry always the mask (at least surgical). Dario Franceschini tweets: “The comparison with the CTS and the additions to the security protocols will allow, in the yellow zone, the reopening of theaters and cinemas from March 27, World Theater Day, and access to museums with book even on weekends “.

The decision comes simultaneously with the new color changes of the Regions (here who risks the orange zone). Already yesterday the Minister of Regional and Autonomous Affairs Mariastella Gelmini announced the orientation during the summit with the Regions. The one on March 27 is one symbolic date which however could be ‘overwhelmed’ by a possible third wave of the virus, given that The data on Covid continues to worry, with the national RT beginning to exceed 1, as announced by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the continuous threat of new variants.

Covid in Italy: the newsletter with the data of February 26

On the other hand, a comparison on a first draft of the new Dpcm is not planned for today, but today it should be sent to the Regions. In addition, the request made yesterday by the opinion governors on the impact of the CTS has not yet arrived. college before a possible third wave, due in particular to the greater contagion of the variants.
