Three in orange, two in red: regions change color


The color map of Italy could change. According to the weekly update of the epidemiological trend carried out by the Control Room of the Ministry of Health-Iss, the colors of the Regions Italians may vary. According to agency reports, in fact, Lombardy, Marche and Piedmont could move towards orange zone, while Basilicata was able to enter red band. More restrictive measures also in Molise which, given the critical situation, would have asked to be in the red zone. For the moment, these are preliminary indications: to implement the restrictive measures it will be Minister Roberto Speranza, who must issue the respective ordinances the same day.

But the report from the ISS and the Ministry is clear: “Five Regions (Abruzzo, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Umbria), compared to the previous week, have a level of high risk“Says the draft of the weekly monitoring. For the fourth consecutive week there was a worsening in the level of risk: “There are 15 – the authors explain – the Regions / Autonomous Provinces with high or moderate risk”. risk, in fact, there are 10 territories with a moderate risk classification “,including 5 with a high probability of progression to high risk in the next few weeks“and 6 low risk.

L ‘Rt index is greater than 1 in 10 Regions, including Basilicata where the lower limit exceeded 1.25, compatible with a type 3 scenario. The other areas with Rt greater than 1 are Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Molise, Piedmont, Trento , Tuscany and Umbria: of these 9, in 5 the Rt index is compatible with a type 2 scenario. However, at the national level, the RT has remained unchanged since last week, stable at 0.99.

According to the data revealed by the control room, in the last week there was a deterioration in areas with an occupancy rate of intensive care or in medical areas above the critical threshold: 8 Regions, compared to 5 last week. However, at the national level, the employment rate of intensive wards remains below the critical threshold (24%), despite the fact that it remains high: people admitted to these wards increased from 2,074 patients (as of February 16 ) to 2,146 as of February 23. . “Such a trend at the national level – underline the authors of the report – Underlying strong interregional variations with some regions where the absolute number of patients hospitalized in the critical area and the relative impact, together with the incidence, however restrictive measures“.

More restrictions are also necessary due to the greater transmissibility of some variants of the virus and the increase in infections throughout the territory. For this ISS and the Ministry recommend “propose mitigation measures to achieve a drastic reduction in physical interactions between people and mobility“. In this sense also the indication for the population to avoid”all opportunities for contact with people outside your home that are not strictly necessary and of Stay at home the more you can“. The report also invites individual Regions to”Carry out a continuous risk analysis at the subregional level. Mitigation measures must be maintained and / or strengthened depending on the level of risk“.
