the virus it holds our region like an implacable pincer: from Lower to Upper Molise, the areas where the infection is most widespread are spreading like wildfire. While hospitalizations are continually increasing: Hospitals can no longer guarantee a place for covid patients. And the activation of Cross for their transfer to other hospitals is so far the only solution to offer them life expectancy and health care in another hospital outside the region.
Is in this an increasingly dramatic and worrying scenario that at the end of theCrisis Unit convened last night (February 25) Governor Donato Toma broke the delay and formalized a request to turn Molise into a ‘red zone’ to the president of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro and the general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health Giovanni Rezza which today will provide data on epidemiological follow-up at the regular conference anticipating the allocation of ‘colors’ – red, orange, yellow – to all Italian regions.
On his table, President Toma has already received an advance. And the ‘photograph’ taken by Asrem on the epidemiological situation in Molise also caught his attention: alla Lower Molise red zone, in which the virus has caused a high number of infections and deaths, added il Agnone outbreak (more than 50 positives). In Campobasso, a new outbreak has broken out in the department of Orthopedics.
Yesterday, for example, the Gimbe Foundation certified that the greatest increase in new positives is registered in our region.
However, it is the general and general increase in positives (134 plus yesterday) that is of concern. And the saturation of hospitals, the impossibility of hospitalizing patients, not only those who need 24-hour ventilation in resuscitation.
“I asked the red light district why we are at 38% of intensive care occupationSo we have crossed the threshold ”, argues the governor. “Just as we have exceeded the threshold limit in medical areas, So much so that we are forced to transfer patients out of the region. That is why I wrote to Professor Brusaferro and Professor Rezza, as well as Minister Speranza asking for information to request the red zone. Travel and social activities should be restricted throughout the region. I want to prevent infections from increasing ”.
So will the red disk go off? And with what restrictions? Will it be a blockade similar to the one in March or will the same rules that are already in force for Lower Molise apply? The answer in short, the day that Molise is in mourning for the deaths caused by the covid.
After monitoring by the Higher Institute of Health, Minister Speranza could sign the order to assign the color red also to Campania and Emilia Romagna.