For today, a follow-up is expected by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità with weekly data on the Covid-19 infection.
Some novelties are planned. According to rumors, three regions could turn orange: Lombardy, Piedmont and Marche. The control room of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry should sanction the change today. Sardiniainstead, for the first time, it should turn white.
As announced by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the ordinance that establishes the color change will come into effect on monday and no more on Sundays.
In addition to color changes, there may also be some local restrictions, more and more numerous in recent weeks, mainly due to the spread of virus variants. Measures taken to try to stop the spread of cases are increasing. From north to south, red zones, but also “Dark orange” or “enhanced orange”, closures and mini-closures have been established with local measures. And schools closed due to outbreaks because new variants are multiplying. In the last 2 weeks, for example, school-age infections in Emilia-Romagna have increased by 23%.
Covid, too many infections – Schools closed on dad. Latest updates by region
The new DPCM
The Draghi government, for its part, is preparing to launch the new DPCM that will be valid from March 6 for a month, until after Easter. The prohibitions and restrictions, therefore, will also affect the Easter holidays. Here is the latest news as reported by the Ansa news agency.
The prohibition of moving between the Regions is valid until March 27 but together with the next Dpcm, which will regulate the measures until April 6, including Easter, it could be extended again with a decree. As always, the return to one’s own residence, domicile or domicile is allowed, as well as movements due to work needs, health reasons or situations of need. Visits to a single private home are allowed in the yellow zone, once a day, between 5 am and 10 pm Two people plus children under 14 can travel.
The latter are allowed to go even if they are in the red zones but this is valid only for the family unit. It is forbidden to travel for tourism. In some cases, strengthened regional ordinances on orange or orange zones may include a ban on going to second homes.
Stores closed only in the red zone where only essential goods stores are guaranteed: pharmacies, food, hardware, personal care, hairdressers. In the yellow and orange zone all the shops are open. Shopping centers remain closed on weekends. In the exercises, the usual security measures are valid: distance, mask, ticket quotas.
The possibility of going to the gym or the pool is still a long way off. Contact and team sports are prohibited. On the other hand, individual outdoor physical activity such as walking, cycling and running is allowed. At the moment, the CTS, given the trend of infections, does not consider it appropriate to relax the restrictions in this sector. If things got better, we could at least think of individual lessons or bookings. Agonists can train.
Minister Gelmini announced that a possible reopening of cinemas and theaters could arrive in April. We work on a precise and rigid protocol that must also include the use of masks, room spacing, temperature measurement, personal tickets and sanitized rooms. The ministry is also working to keep museums and archaeological areas open on Saturdays and Sundays as well. Now they only open from Monday to Friday in the yellow zone.
You don’t eat dinner in the restaurant. Despite the Salvini-Bonaccini axis, you can only go to the restaurant and bar in the yellow zone during the day. There are fears of off-site meetings, which occur regularly even indoors even on weekends. Therefore, the rules for restaurants are still in force: in the yellow zone open until 6 in the afternoon and it is allowed to take out until 10 at night. At home it is allowed at any time. Take-out and home delivery are allowed in the orange and red areas. The exceptions are the restaurants on the highway, beyond 6 in the afternoon in the yellow zone, the dining rooms and restaurants of the hotels.
In orange areas face-to-face teaching between 50 and 75% for high school, for the youngest to middle classes face-to-face. Dad in the red zones. In some cases, governors have applied more restrictive measures, as in Puglia.
Covid, Crisanti’s alarm: “In a week we run the risk of up to 40 thousand infections”