Italy increasingly red and dark orange | Here are the cities that change color since Saturday


The jerky is red since Wednesday, in Livornese, as well as for a few days four Municipalities in Lazio: Colleferro, Carpineto Romano in the province of Rome, Torrice (Frosinone), Roccagorga (Latina). In South tyrol The critical threshold for intensive care has been exceeded in Bolzano and Trento. In Basilicata the cases are increasing and the RT, the Region runs the risk of ending up in orange.

In variants they are rampant Sardinia It is the red zone of San Teodoro. In Molise there is a positive leap: there was an inspection by the military to establish emergency intensive care. In Piedmont the RT is above 1, the Region goes towards the orange and the tightening of the measures. TO Pescara the English variant is spreading with a spike in infections.

Ministerial ordinances effective from Monday and not Sunday The ordinances of the Minister of Health on the colors of the territories, after the follow-up on Friday, will come into force on Mondays and not Sundays: this was promised by the Minister of Autonomy Mariastella Gelmini in a meeting with local authorities. This is to avoid the chaos and economic losses of restaurants and bars that are open one day out of every two during the weekend (which constitutes 80% of weekly turnover according to Coldiretti).

At the meeting, Gelmini and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza assured another novelty: the draft of the new Prime Minister’s Decree, effective as of March 6, will already be sent to the Presidents of the Region, therefore, well in advance of the expiration. of the current one. A gesture of openness to the Regions, which have repeatedly asked to avoid last minute decisions as happened in the case of skiing, with ski lifts ready to reopen and stopped the night before.

The wing system “will be maintained – says Gelmini -. Until now a generalized blockade has been avoided and this should be the main objective for the next months”. Also because, although changes in the parameters are foreseen, as requested by the Regions, especially for RT, “currently there is no alternative model.” Referring to the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) on the thorny issue of the closure of schools to vaccinate teachers -as almost all regions ask-, the minister notices a “contradiction in the demand for closed schools and open economic activities.” Gelmini speaks after “a gradual reopening of places of culture, with adequate security measures, after the month of March.”
