Bologna, February 25, 2021 – There are already 14 today, 45 more have been added since Saturday, that is, the rest of the province of Bologna, for a total of 59 municipalities in the dark orange area (rules here). The decision taken by the Emilia-Romagna Region serves to counteract the exponential increase in infections, mainly due to the circulation of the English variant. If for the first block the regulations are valid until March 11, for new municipalities that are incorporated as of Saturday February 27, the ordinance is valid until Sunday March 14.
Dark orange zone: where it already exists
The measure from February 25 to March 11 involves the municipalities of Imola, Castel San Pietro, Medicina, Mordano, Castel Guelfo, Dozza, Casalfiumanese, Fontanelice, Borgo Tossignano and Castel del Rio, and, as regards the province of Ravenna, Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice, Massa Lombarda and Riolo Terme.
Dark orange zone: the municipalities that enter on Saturday, February 27
I’m 45 municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Bologna that from Saturday February 27 (with schools closed from Monday, March 1) and until Sunday March 14 will be in enhanced orange zone: Bologna, Alto Reno Terme, Anzola dell’Emilia, Argelato, Baricella, Bentivoglio, Budrio, Calderara di Reno, Camugnano, Casalecchio di Reno, Castel d’Aiano, Castel di Casio, Castel Maggiore, Castello d’Argile, Castenaso, Castiglione dei Pepoli , Crevalcore, Gaggio Montano, Galliera, Granarolo dell’Emilia, Grizzana Morandi, Lizzano in Belvedere, Loiano, Malalbergo, Marzabotto, Minerbio, Molinella, Monghidoro, Monte San Pietro, Monterenzio, Monzuno, Mordano, Ozzano dell’Emilia, Pianoro, Pieve di Cento, Sala Bolognese, San Benedetto Val di Sambro, San Giorgio di Piano, San Giovanni in Persiceto, San Lazzaro di Savena, San Pietro in Casale, Sant’Agata Bolognese, Sasso Marconi, Valsamoggia, Vergato and Zola Predosa.
The tightening of restrictions will result in the school closings with dad 100% – except for children from 0 to 3 years old, one increased travel limitation, both within the municipality of residence and towards the neighbors (it will no longer be possible, in fact, to leave the municipality itself, not even less than 5,000 inhabitants, except for reasons of necessity, or to visit relatives and relatives) and to leave home, allowed only for work, necessity or health reasons. Stop even access to second homes. Sport: all events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are suspended, as well as sports activities carried out in open-air sports centers. Only sports activities are allowed individually and exclusively outdoors. You can do physical activity near your home, respecting the distances. You will need theself certification to motivate any movement, but will still be allowed return home or residence, subject to curfew from 22:00 to 05:00.
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