when it comes into force and future measures


After having approved the new decree on travel, the Draghi government is starting to work on anti-Covid package of measures that will replace the current one Dpcm due March 5.

It is not yet clear if what will be signed will be a new Dpcm or a decree-law (here the differences), although the second option is more likely.

Yesterday the meeting was held between the President of the Government, Mario Draghi, the ministers Speranza, Gelmini, Franco and the heads of delegation of the majority parties, ISS and CTS. Today the Minister of Health informed the Chamber and gave progress on future measures.

Expected news about the night reopening of bars and restaurants, cinemas, theaters, gyms, curfew and revision of the parameters on which the subdivision of the regions by color bands is based. Here’s when the new decree might arrive and what to expect.

Will there be a new Dpcm? When it goes into effect

According to various government sources, the intention would be to launch the new provision with measures to combat Covid well in advance.

It is almost certain that the new executive will not follow the path of Dpcm outlined by Conte and will abandon them entirely. Also in this case, therefore, the choice would fall on DL, since it is more collegiate than the Dpcm which has the advantage of immediate enactment, but it is a unilateral act in the hands of the prime minister without participation of the CDM.

Today, February 24, from 5 p.m. Hope He kept his communications in the Chamber for a discussion between the government and Parliament on the new measures.

In the coming days, therefore long before the expiration of the Dpcm on March 5, the new anti-Covid decree will arrive. “We are not talking about reopening, we will talk about it another time”said the coordinator of the technical-scientific committee Agostino Miozzo, present at yesterday’s meeting with government representatives. “On Friday there will be a new image of the situation, then we will see”.

Meanwhile, the strategy developed by the new government to counteract the increase in infections and the advance of variants foresees the confirmation of the division into color bands but with a possible parameter review move from one area to another, and that economic measures will be added to the sanitary measures immediate snacks for the activities most in crisis.

Movements between regions

The new covid-decree that establishes the prohibition to move between regionsregardless of color, until March 27. The rule of visits to friends and family in a maximum of 2 people, minors and not self-sufficient excluded, but only in the yellow and orange areas. In the red zones it is not allowed to move to other private homes.

New rules for color change

The Regions said no to the proposal to turn Italy into an orange megazone, and asked to modify and simplify the subdivision system in 3 colors, reviewing the 21 parameters for classification. The red, orange and yellow zones will be maintained, but at the provincial and municipal level. The tripartition will be included in the Decree Law, no more in the DPCM.

Reopening of activities

In the document approved by the Regions and sent to the government, it is requested that the new classification of territories based on the risk index it is linked to the possibility of reopening restaurants, gyms and swimming pools. This means that in the territories with the lowest index, the reopening – with updated protocols – of some activities that have been closed for months should be considered.

Museums, cinemas and theaters

For the reopening of theaters, cinemas and museums, the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini asked the CTS for an urgent meeting to discuss the security measures it is developing with his people. Among these, the name tickets, the traceability of people and themandatory FFP2 mask.

The CTS spoke of a possible reopening of these activities at the middle of March.

Gyms and swimming pools

At the moment, the line announced by Draghi’s team is the one of absolute rigor: therefore, we are moving towards the confirmation of the closure of gyms and swimming pools, which for now can only be reopened in the white zone. The government is called upon to analyze the document validated by the Scientific Technical Committee that gives the green light to the reopening of the sports facilities covered in the yellow and orange areas in compliance with a series of regulations.

Restaurants and bars open at night.

The CTS has already said no to reopening restaurants at night in the yellow zone requested by Lombardy, since the loosening of the shirts would represent a serious risk given the still massive circulation of the virus, but now the ball passes into the hands of today’s Cdm: Mario Draghi together with Gelmini and Speranza will decide if and until Let’s extend the curfew for restaurants.
