I’m 16,424 new cases of coronavirus in Italy (yesterday it was +13,314, here the bulletin). Come out so at least 2,848,564 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including those recovered and killed) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 318 (yesterday they were +356), for a total of 96,666 victims as of February 2020. While people retrieved or downloaded I’m 2,362,465 usually: 14,599 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today (+12,898 yesterday). He positive current – subjects who have the virus – happen to be in everything 389,433, equal to +1,485 compared to yesterday (+45 the day before).
The swabs and the stage
I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 340,247, or 36,397 more than yesterday when it was 303,850. the positivity rate 4.8% (4.82% approximation): means that of 100 swabs performed, more than 4 were positive; yesterday it was 4.4%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
More infections in 24 hours than yesterday, with record in tamponi since the rapids were added (surpassed the previous record of more than 310,000 dated February 10). The case / test ratio increases to 4.8% from 4.4% on Tuesday. The threshold of 16,000 daily infections had not been exceeded in more than a month, the last time this value of 16,000 was exceeded was on January 16 (with a rate of 6.3%). That doesn’t seem like a good sign. The curve goes up, as it usually happens in the middle of the week, resuming its swing. But from the comparison with the same day last week, Wednesday February 17, when +12,074 cases were reported with a rate of 4.1%, we see that the scenario does not improve. In fact, it is not possible to have and keep the percentage of positivity below 4%. Without considering that follow-up is impossible. There are no conditions to make the measures more flexible, says the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in the Senate. It is feared that the variants may prevail over the virus that is circulating now. The models tell us that in mid-March there is a risk that all cases are linked to the English variant – explains virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, director of health at Irccs Galeazzi in Milan -. We hope that more specific red zone actions can mitigate the spread. While at the global level, the WHO reports that those infected in the world, in the last seven days, have been decreasing for the sixth consecutive week (with the global death curve marking -20%).
Communicate more than 3,000 infections daily the Lombardy (+3,310 cases, of which +901 in Brescia) but thanks to more than 50,000 swabs, which is the highest number of regional tests of the day (here the newsletter). It follows above 2 thousand the Campania (+2,185). Then there is Piedmont (+1,453), Emilia romagna (+1,427) e Lazio (+1,188). All other regions show a two- or three-digit increase. Note the Puglia, just under a thousand (+991).

The trend of the case curve on the Civil Protection website
The victims
The victims have decreased in the last 24 hours: they are 318 against 356 the day before (38 less). The figure remains tragically high. For the first time the highest number of deaths in Campania: +40 deaths, but the number includes 17 who died in the last 48 hours and 23 who died previously but were recorded yesterday. To have more than 30 deaths I’m: Lombardy (+38), Lazio (+38) ed Emilia romagna (+33).
The health system
Routine hospitalizations are declining and intensive care hospitalizations are increasing. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I’m -78 (yesterday +140), for a total of 18,217 hospitalized. I beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I’m +11 (yesterday +28), bringing the total of more seriously ill to 2,157. The variation in the number of occupied beds, in critical and non-critical areas, indicates the balance between patients who left and those who entered in the last 24 hours. THE new additions to IT I’m +178 (yesterday +197). The highest number of people in intensive care in Lombardy (+24), Emilia-Romagna (+22), Veneto (+15), Piedmont (+15) and Puglia (+15).

I beef
I vaccinated citizens I’m more than 3.7 million those who received the first dose and more than 1.3 million who took the booster. Here the map is updated nightly and here the real-time data from the Covid-19 vaccine report on the government website.
Here all the newsletters of February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
The Corriere has created a newsletter on the coronavirus. free: sign up here.
The cases region by region
The data provided below, and broken down by region, are total cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and cured). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Also, buffers, between molecular and fast.
Lombardy 586,561: +3,310 cases (yesterday +2,480) with 50,268 swabs
Veneto 328,973: +895 cases (yesterday +1,062) with 39,954 swabs
Campania 257,939: +2,185 cases (yesterday +1,436) with 21,366 swabs
Emilia romagna 250,839: + 1,427 ** cases (yesterday +1,588) with 42,169 swabs
Piedmont 242,064: +1,453 cases (yesterday +1,023) with 21,363 swabs
Lazio 228,745: +1,188 cases (yesterday +889) with 36,034 swabs
Tuscany 151,413: +857 cases (yesterday +824) with 21,198 swabs
Sicily 150,396: +542 cases (yesterday +452) with 26,440 swabs
Puglia 142,616: +991 cases (yesterday +823) with 10,925 swabs
Liguria 76,576: +285 cases (yesterday +381) with 7,707 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 74,852: +503 cases (yesterday +241) with 9612 swabs
Market 65,053: +616 cases (yesterday +581) with 5,953 swabs
PA Bolzano 52,502: +355 cases (yesterday +347) with 16,387 swabs
Abruzzo 52,299: +535 cases (yesterday +322) with 11,473 swabs
Umbria 43,643: +292 cases (yesterday +262) with 7,286 swabs
Sardinia 40,877: +65 cases (yesterday +47) with 2,418 swabs
Calabria 37,098: +278 cases (yesterday +116) with 2,462 swabs
PA Trento 32,631: +357 cases (yesterday +232) with 4,124 swabs
Basilicata 15,203: +166 cases (yesterday +151) with 1,457 swabs
Molise 10,288: +110 *** cases (yesterday +26) with 1,303 swabs
Aosta Valley 7,996: +14 cases (yesterday +4) with 348 swabs
Deaths region by region
The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 28,184: +38 deaths (yesterday +43)
Veneto 9,763: +21 deaths (+21 yesterday)
Campania 4,219: +40 deaths (yesterday +38)
Emilia romagna 10,426: +33 deaths (yesterday +25)
Piedmont 9,326: +17 deaths (yesterday +22)
Lazio 5,814: +38 deaths (yesterday +33)
Tuscany 4,599: +17 deaths (yesterday +20)
Sicily 4,060: +21 deaths (yesterday +21)
Puglia 3,838: +24 deaths (yesterday +32)
Liguria 3,608: +11 deaths (yesterday +13)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 2,802: +10 deaths (yesterday +17)
Market 2,209: +5 deaths (yesterday +9)
PA Bolzano 1,012: +6 kills (+13 yesterday)
Abruzzo 1,662: +10 deaths (+24 yesterday)
Umbria 1,014: +11 deaths (yesterday +10)
Sardinia 1,132: +7 deaths (+7 yesterday)
Calabria 671: +3 deaths (yesterday +1)
PA Trento 1200: +3 kills (yesterday +1)
Basilicata 369: +1 death (no new deaths yesterday)
Molise 343: +2 deaths (yesterday +5)
Aosta Valley 415: no new kills * (yesterday +1)
* Basilicata announces that the death reported today refers to the bulletin of 02/23/2021. In fact, yesterday’s bulletin (here the bulletin) included a total of 415 victims since the start of the pandemic.
** Emilia-Romagna reports that 17 cases declared in the previous days have been eliminated from the total of positives, as positive for the antigen test but not confirmed by molecular swab.
*** The Molise region announces that 5 patients, previously counted among the confirmed cases, have been transferred to other institutions outside the region.
Feb 24, 2021 (change Feb 24, 2021 | 7:12 PM)