The virus is still working, the variants are scary, and we still can’t let our guard down. But Roberto Speranza sees “finally the light at the end of the tunnel.” And while announcing in the Senate that the government, based on scientific data, cannot relax virus containment measures, the Minister of Health encourages citizens to resist, because Italy has reached “the last mile to win the battle” in the fight against Covid. Speranza came to tell the senators and then the deputies that the Draghi government has moved “well in advance” to listen to Parliament’s suggestions and allow citizens to inform themselves and organize themselves on time. The minister calls on politics and the Regions for “an effort of unity and loyal collaboration” and relaunches the call of the Quirinale and Palazzo Chigi to national cohesion in the management of the emergency. So the news that Italians expected and feared: there are no conditions to relax the measures.
Rt at 0.99
The new Dpcm, which will be in force from March 6 to April 6 (and therefore will include Holy Week, which falls on April 4), will be inspired by the line of “maximum rigor”, in tune with the great democracies of the Union: “Italy moves behind the European line, prudence, caution and the primacy of defending the right to health.” Words Hope utters with obvious personal satisfaction, after that For days, the political world questioned Prime Minister Draghi’s strategy to combat the pandemic.. In short, maximum rigor and maximum adherence to scientific evidence. And here the head of Health claims the goodness of the system of regional risk zones differentiated by color, which has allowed the government to avoid other generalized closures after spring. The parameters were shared by the regions. Speranza reminds the rulers who are now criticizing them and says she believes Draghi’s initiative of “a new confrontation at the technical table” with scientists and the Regions is positive. The epidemiological picture is negative. For the third week in a row, infections are on the rise and Italy is far from the threshold that would allow us to track the positives. The total number of hospitalized patients is also increasing, the average Rt of 0.99 has increased compared to the previous week and is likely to increase again, with severe fatigue in intensive care.
Feb 24, 2021 (change Feb 24, 2021 | 14:53)