Only 50 new infected out of every 100,000 inhabitants: this is the threshold set by scientists for the reopening of sport. White band numbers. The nightmare of Covid-19 variants scares, worries the possibility of a third wave of the pandemic and the possibility of loosening the bans with the next Dpcm that Prime Minister Mario Draghi will sign after being shared with Regions and Parliament. Experts call for maximum caution, the most likely hypothesis to postpone the decision on a possible reopening until the end of March or even until the second week of April, after the Easter holidays. All areas where virus circulation is highest, also due to the presence of mutations, will be blocked. In areas considered high risk but with more comforting data, the dark orange band will disperse, which means that schools closed and a ban on going to second homes, in addition to the closure of bars and restaurants throughout the day.
Gyms and swimming pools
The request for an opinion on the resumption of sports activities was presented to the Scientific Technical Committee by the Ministry of Sports. And the experts’ response appears to have frozen expectations, at least for now. Gymnasiums and swimming pools may reopen only when the number of infections is 50 people per 100,000 inhabitants. a very low parameter, in the assessment that the Higher Institute of Health makes every Friday on weekly monitoring is equivalent to the white band. In the coming weeks, the indicators may eventually be revised to plan a staggering of entrances to sports facilities, but at the moment scientists do not believe they can give the green light.
Cinemas and theaters
Today the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini will meet with the members of Cts. With them I will try to set a calendar for the reopening of cinemas and theaters, but also evaluate the possibility of allowing entry to museums and archaeological parks on Saturdays and Sundays. Aware that it will still be difficult to obtain an immediate positive result. The entertainment workers’ associations have developed a stricter protocol than the one in force before the lockout. In addition to the obligation for spectators to wear FFp2 masks, we are thinking about nominative tickets reserved online to allow the monitoring of people and avoid paying at the cash register. But also to clean up the room before the start of each show.
Restaurants and bars
The opening of bars and restaurants after 6 pm at the moment seems destined to be banned in the yellow bands. However, the discussion remains open and it is not excluded that there may be a reevaluation for those areas that, although they do not yet have the parameters of the white band, show a favorable condition both with regard to the trend of infections and the stability of health institutions. The problem, as scientists have repeatedly stressed, is limiting the movement of people and, above all, avoiding meetings.
Dark orange
The same prohibition on homes where you do not have a residence has been envisaged in many municipalities in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna that have entered the orange band but with more restrictions. the strengthening that, in addition to the prohibition to leave the municipality of residence and to open bars and restaurants, provides for the closure of all schools. An intermediate level before decreeing the confinement.
Feb 24, 2021 (change Feb 24, 2021 | 07:13)