Milleproroghe, ok from the House. The blockade on evictions is maintained, the transition to the free energy market is postponed


the decree goes to the Senate

The Chamber gave the green light to Milleproroghe, with 322 votes in favor, 2 against and 31 abstentions. Among the latter are the deputies of the Brothers of Italy

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The Minister of Relations with Parliament, Federico D’Incà, during the discussion of the Milleproroghe decree in the Chamber (Ansa)

The Chamber gave the green light to Milleproroghe, with 322 votes in favor, 2 against and 31 abstentions. Among the latter are the deputies of the Brothers of Italy

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Mini extension of the moratorium on drills, new postponement of the transition to the free energy market, more time for mayors who fight with the card for the appropriate areas to locate the national deposit of nuclear waste. But it is backtracking on the eviction bloc, which remains as it is until the end of June and not even at Alitalia. The new majority is enduring, although with some friction, the test of the vote on the Milleproroghe decree that received the ok del’aula di Montecitorio and then passed the Senate examination. The Chamber gave the green light to Milleproroghe, with 322 votes in favor, 2 against and 31 abstentions. Among the latter are the deputies of the Brothers of Italy “out of esteem” for Prime Minister Draghi, as announced during the declaration of vote.

Games frozen in evictions and Alitalia

In a marathon to approve as many changes as possible, the complex new balances between the parties that support the Draghi government were staged and after Montecitorio rejected the amendment signed by the Brothers of Italy to suspend the reform of the Bonafede prescription after the mediation of Minister Marta Cartabia who headed the day before the withdrawal of all the majority amendments on the prescription. Regarding evictions, the idea was to allow the release of properties as of April 1 if the tenant arrears had been certified before the pandemic (that is, before March 2020). For stores and commercial activities, anti-Covid closures would have been the dividing line. But then it was decided to have more time to prepare an agenda that can guide the government in the coming weeks towards a shared solution, to be included in the first useful measure. In the end, nothing was done. The same applies to Alitalia: the amendment that revised the rules for the sale of the old national airline and for the repayment of the public loan remains annulled.


Extended vacation bonus and drilling moratorium

However, in the rush to close, there was room for several new features, from the vacation voucher that can be used through the end of 2021 (amid the Fdi controversy) to the 2019-2020 academic year extended to the 15 June to give to college students. time to graduate in progress despite emergency-imposed shutdowns. Among the approved amendments, some of the issues wanted by the 5-star Movement such as the moratorium on drills, which will last until September to “give the Draghi government time to intervene definitively”, while the free energy market is postponed a year more. , in January 2023, with clients in the protected market that will be able to remain with their contracts in force throughout the year 2022.

Stabilization of temporary workers in the PA is expanded

At the request of the mayors, a little more time arrives for the consultations on the new letter of sites suitable for nuclear energy (it will be 120 days, and the date of the national preparatory seminar for its final adoption is also advancing). Space also for the Public Administration, with the expansion of the audience of precarious workers who will benefit from the stabilization (the requirements can be matured until the end of 2021), the classic postponement of the adaptation of fire prevention of schools but also the strengthening of the Mef structure called to implement the Recovery Plan, with 30 contracts and the possibility of employing 10 employees from other administrations.

No agreement on the suspension of cashbsck

Among the novelties introduced by the Chamber, it is worth highlighting the possibility for companies to apply anti-Covid measures for remote assemblies and the possibility of approving the financial statements within 180 days from the close of the fiscal year. The decree that modifies the tax wedge and the decree to extend the limit to the notification of more than 50 million documents between files and tax documents have also increased the extension until February 28. Then no summary was found on the one-year postponement of the receipt lottery or the suspension of the refund.
