There are still too many Covid 19 infections. The variants are worrying and in many municipalities we return to dad from elementary school. The latest updates by region.
Red zone in the provinces of Chieti and Pescara and in orange those of L’Aquila and Teramo.
Covid-19, ordinance for the provinces of Pescara and Chieti in the red zone
Throughout the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, all schools of order and grade will return, until the 28th, to the method of distance learning.
In the four municipalities affected by the South African variant, namely Merano, Rifiano, San Pancrazio and Moso in Passiria, distance education is scheduled until March 7.
Covid-19, schools closed to contain variants in South Tyrol: students in DaD until February 28
Emilia romagna
Dark orange area in all the municipalities that belong to Ausl di Imola – and therefore Imola, Castel San Pietro, Medicina, Mordano, Castel Guelfo, Dozza, Casalfiumanese, Fontanelice, Borgo Tossignano, Castel del Rio -, and the neighbors of Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice, Massa Lombarda and Riolo Terme, in the province of Ravenna, which are within the territory of Ausl Romagna.
From February 25 to March 11, only the activities of the educational services for 0-3 years and kindergartens will take place in presence, while the educational activities for schools of all levels will be 100% remote.
Emilia Romagna, dark orange zone in 14 municipalities: dad from primary school until March 11
Red zone in the municipalities of Colleferro and Carpineto Romano
Covid, red zone in two municipalities of Lazio for two weeks
Red zone also in Torrice
Strong incidence of the English variant Covid, Torrice (FR) red zone: Zingaretti signs the ordinance. Dad for 14 days
Schools closed by Covid in San Remo and Ventimiglia from February 24 to March 5
Schools closed by Covid in San Remo and Ventimiglia from February 24 to March 5. Note
‘Reinforced’ orange zone throughout the province of Brescia and in the municipalities of Viadanica, Predore San Martino, Sarnico, Villongo, Castelli Calepio, Credaro and Gandosso in the province of Bergamo and Soncino in the province of Cremona. Kindergartens, primary and secondary schools are expected to close.
Lombardy schools, reinforced orange zone in Brescia: schools closed. Order
The president of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli, has in fact signed a new ordinance valid until midnight on Saturday, February 27 that puts the municipalities of Ancona, Camerata Picena, Castelfidardo, Castelplanio, Chiaravalle, Cupramontana, Falconara in the denominated “orange” zone Marittima, Filottrano, Jesi, Loreto, Maiolati Spontini, Monte San Vito, Osimo, Ostra, Polverigi, Sassoferrato, Senigallia, Serra De ‘Conti, Sirolo, Staffolo, that is to say, those in which there is the highest rate of infected.
Distance education activities are also strongly recommended, the Region writes, in schools where there is an increase in cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Also in Jesi, the Mayor has ordered the temporary suspension of didactic activities in the municipal term for Primary I and II schools from Monday, February 22 to Sunday, February 28.
Jesi, integrated digital teaching until February 28 for all grades I and II. Order
Campobasso: Mayor Roberto Gravina has ordered the suspension of educational activities in presence for schools of all levels, public, equals, equals, and public and private kindergartens, until February 28.
Covid, digital education in Campobasso from February 22 to 28
Palermo, two municipalities in the red zone until March 11: schools of all levels and levels closed. Order
Until February 28, 2021 in the municipalities of the province of Perugia, as well as in the municipality of San Venanzo in the province of Terni, laboratory activities are suspended in state and peer secondary schools and in IeFP courses.
Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities in all schools of all types and levels, state and equal, if it is necessary to maintain an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs, guaranteeing in in any case, the online connection with the students of the class who are in integrated digital teaching.
Umbria, red zone extended until February 28. Dad in the province of Perugia and in the Terni area. ORDER