Rome, February 23, 2021 – Mario draghi is picking up the pace in view of the new Dpcm. The summit with front-line ministers on the pandemic and the CTS began punctually around 7 p.m.: an operational meeting to take stock of the fight against COVID-19. The Government accelerates the next measures to be taken: the Prime Minister in person presides, the President of the Higher Health Council also participates, Franco Locatelli, the president of the National Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro and the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, Agostino Miozzo. The latter, upon entering the Palazzo Chigi, explained that he is not afraid of a “third wave” of Covid but that “you have to be careful.”
Draghi is picking up the pace, under pressure from party leaders and governors. Released on Covid Decree (here the text in PDF) with the extension of the prohibition of change between regions and the stop to visits to friends and family in the red zone, it is time to identify clear rules about possible closings or reopens, but also about snacks and measures in favor of the economy.
They are present at the executive meeting. Giancarlo Giorgetti (Lega, Economic Development), Roberto Speranza (Leo, Health), Dario Franceschini (Pd, Culture), Maria Stella Gelmini (FI, Regional Affairs), Elena Bonetti (Iv, Family). For him M5S, as in the meeting last Saturday, there are Stefano patuanelli (Minister of Agriculture). The latest news also confirm the presence of the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco. Hope Tomorrow it will report to Parliament, the Chamber and on Thursday the Senate, on whose disposition the first outlines could already be outlined today. Then the government will listen to the Regions and the CTS again, with the aim of reaching a decision that it’s not close to the deadline, but at least 4 or 5 days before. In fact, the new Dpcm, in what filtered, could see the light in advance compared to the March 5 deadline.
Covid Newsletter February 23
The line of dragons
The government has promised to be “timely”, but it is unclear what Draghi’s steps will be in the reopening. In recent days there was talk of a ‘All Italy in the orange zone, a hypothesis that for the moment seems to have ended. Yesterday the prime minister telephoned German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a first contact to encourage a “shared exercise” in the fight against the pandemic. In Germany, schools in 10 of the 16 states reopened yesterday, but fears of a third wave of coronavirus are growing in the country. And the chancellor has not been, in recent times, by the soft line.
The position of the Cts
The watchword is prudence. The indications of the Scientific Technical Committee do not change with respect to the last weeks, the evolution in the last weeks of Variants of Covid advises caution. Experts warned the government of the risk of infections soaring in the event of a reopening of ski resorts, gyms, swimming pools or cinemas. Talking about it now, according to the technicians, is premature. A position that the technicians, after meeting this afternoon with a view to tonight’s meeting, reaffirm at the Palazzo Chigi. The CTS will meet again tomorrow to evaluate the security protocol developed by the entertainment associations. Maximum caution, this is the line. As far as we know, the issue of reviewing the parameters for risk ranges has not yet been addressed, an issue that will be on the table in future meetings.
Regions and reopening
Draghi, however, has to face up to the demands of the Regions that, on the one hand, press for homogeneous measures at the national level and, on the other, call for the reopening whenever possible. Today’s statements by Stefano Bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna and of the Conference of the Regions. First he talks to L’aria che Tira su La7, about restaurants open at night in low-risk areas: a proposal from Salvini that Bonaccini considers “reasonable.” Consideration that generates several stomach pains in the Democratic Party (“Salvini’s proposals are always instrumental, never reasonable,” says Marco Miccoli, site manager. Better to rely on technicians and science “). In the afternoon, Governor Emiliano clears all doubts about his line: “Where we can afford it in the coming weeks or months, with reduced capacity, gradually reopen cinemas and theaters.” That is why it is the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, to announce new meetings in the coming days between the government and the regions. For the new Dpcm, it seems understood, we won’t have to wait long.
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