
Some days after “Vday”, the departure of vaccines AstraZeneca ai destined prof less than 55, the Ministry of Education has sent a circular that prohibits the Regions from making the call through internal lists, awaiting official MI lists.
I’m 64 thousand Sicilian teachers from schools of all orders and grades that match the AstraZeneca vaccine recipient profile: 18-55 years and without pathologies. The Poste Italiane portal manages the reservation.

Meanwhile, before the stop, in Palermo, on February 22, 22 teachers from the Ninni Cassarà linguistics baccalaureate were immunized in Villa delle Ginestre and, at the same time, other prof have been vaccinated in several Sicilian provinces.
As he says vaccines of the regional working group: “The tax code was not enough, but the number of the teaching staff’s health card was also required, which was communicated yesterday and sent to the Poste Italiane platform to upload data, in order to open reservations very soon.”
Separate speech for universities. In fact, pre-registrations on the Poste Italiane platform for university professors they have already been active for a week. The lists that will be generated later will be used by the university polyclinics to make appointments. The vaccination process already began in Palermo last Saturday and will continue through the weekend.