The boom in infections in the province of Brescia, with more than 700 daily infections in the last 72 hours, has become a national case. In the morning The Region has sent the documentation to the National Scientific Committee, which must decide shortly whether to adopt more restrictive measures, such as the red zone. clarified the mayor of Brescia Emilio Del Bono at the end of an interview with the president of the Attilio Fontana Region. He did not ask for his city to be included in the red zone (certainly not for me to decide but for the regional and national technical committee), but he reiterated the opportunity to divide Lombardy into sub-regional areas, subject to greater or lesser restrictions depending on local trend of the epidemic.It is the figures that make the situation dramatic: more than 300 infections per week per 100,000 inhabitants, much more than the critical threshold of 250 cases.
For Del Bono, the real problem is vaccines: we’re going too slow; there are doctors who have not yet made the second withdrawal, we are behind in nursing homes and we are only at the beginning of the coverage of those over 80 years of age. We have not yet gone out for at-risk categories like teachers and law enforcement. I expect acceleration and would focus on organizing the car. Del Bono is also preparing for the weekend more restrictive measures such as the sale of alcohol in the city center limit the formation of youth meetings. Meanwhile, the apprehension among citizens is growing: this is confirmed by the kilometer-long line of cars in the buffer center of via Morelli, in Brescia.
The hospitals
Thanks to the spread of the English variant, the situation has become complex in all the hospitals in the province: there are almost 800 Covid hospitalized, and the number is growing everywhere, from Garda to Franciacorta. Criticizes the situation in Poliambulanza and Grupo San Donato, structures from which it was necessary to transfer patients to other provinces, such as Bergamo, Milan and Cremona. Almost three hundred patients at Spedali Civili in Brescia, which also functions as a Covid intensive care center. The Brescia Resuscitation has never been empty, but serious cases are now on the rise. In the different ICUs of the province there are almost 70 positive patients, of which more than 26 in the Civil Hospital. The saturation rate close to 40%, well above the threshold limit should not exceed 30% of the beds. Yes, because there is a risk that the rest of the hospital’s activities will be limited.
Patients doubled
The epicenter of contagion in Franciacorta. In ten days, the number of Covid patients admitted to the Chiari hospital doubled, going from 50 to 95 today. All of us who are hospitalized have oxygen debt: more than 30% have C-Pap. And the average age is getting smaller: They are younger than the patients treated in November. We are talking about 50 year olds explains the general manager of Asst Franciacorta Mauro Borelli. The trend of the hospitalized in clear growth. And to find space, the hospital management is transforming the hospital: We merge Neurology and Cardiology, I closed Pediatrics – explains the director – because I needed staff for Covid patients. I reduced the Surgery beds to 33-34 places, all the rest Covid
February 22, 2021 | 15:29