
The Covid-19 emergency continues in Italy and in the world. According to data from the latest bulletin on Sunday, February 21, others were registered in our country 13,452 almost in Coronavirus, out of a total of 250,986 tests performed, including antigenic and molecular swabs, as well as 232 deaths. The Region with the highest number of daily infections is Lombardy, followed by Emilia-Romagna. Here is the detail region by region.
Lombardy: +2,514
Veneto: +718
Piedmont: +802
Campania: +1.658
Emilia Romagna: +1.852
Lazio: +1.048
Tuscany: +968
Sicily: +411
Apulia: +758
Liguria: +266
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +284
Walking: +488
Abruzzo: +503
Sardinia: +33
PA Bolzano: +313
Umbria: +270
Calabria: +170
PA Trento: +259
Basilicata: +65
Molise: +67
Today the Cdm for the new Covid decree. Goes to the blocking movements between regions until March 27, 2021. The Minister of Health, Hope, concerned about variants: Continuing with the restrictions is essential ”. The Regions asked the Draghi government “to review the parameters and contextual review of the system of zones and colors, in the sense of simplification, which also passes functionally from a revision of the protocols to regulate the reopening ”. Meanwhile, red areas and closed schools are increasing to contain new outbreaks. vaccination campaign. To date, 3,497,825 doses have been administered to a total of 1,330,054 vaccinated people. Locatelli (Higher Health Council): “At the end of March, Italy will reach 13 million doses from the start of the campaign.”
In the world more than 111 million infections. At U.S reached the record figure of 500 thousand deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, never so many not even in the wars of the 20th century. Virologist Fauci: “I have never seen such a thing.” In Israel, Following the success of the vaccination campaign, restrictive measures are being relaxed. Also in UK Boris Johnson begins announcing the reopening of schools in early March.
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