today the options of Draghi-


The measures for opening and closing activities will be established and communicated at least one week before the entry into force, in agreement with the Regions and Parliament. But health measures must be accompanied by economic refreshment. this is the strategy developed by the government led by Mario Draghi to combat Covid-19 infections, but also to cope with the financial crisis caused by the pandemic. Italy will continue to be divided by color bands, but the parameters to establish the level of risk could be modified already before the next Dpcm and the red areas where the outbreaks caused by the variants of the virus will expand. For each intervention – as highlighted by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini, together with the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, in the meeting with the governors convened last night – therefore, we will advance following the double path of containment measures together with compensation measures . The presidents of the regions ask for a change of pace and complain about the non-arrival of compensation for the sectors that for months have had to stop their activities.

Movement Between Regions

In addition to the decree that will be approved today to extend the travel ban between Regions for 30 days – therefore, on March 27, calculating the deadline already set for February 26 – the executive will begin to finalize the list of new travel rules. operation from March 6. We will advance in harmony with the other countries, Prime Minister Draghi assured the ministers who met after the G7 and with whom he is finalizing the agenda for the weekend’s European Council. It is no coincidence that Gelmini stressed the need to find solutions with true national unity in the fight against an enemy that has unfortunately already had almost 100,000 victims.

At night of bars and restaurants

With the epidemiological curve still rising, it seems difficult now to hypothesize a general easing of bans. First of all, what refers to the night-time opening of bars and restaurants. The Technical-Scientific Committee has already underlined the risks of proceeding with the reopening that run the risk of further increasing the number of infections because they favor a greater circulation of people, specifying why the choice corresponds to the political decision-maker. At the end of the weekend, it will be evaluated if there are areas of the country where the Covid grip is less dangerous, therefore, if there are openings to evaluate a reopening, albeit gradual, of some activities.

Differentiated closures

In the document approved unanimously by the governors and sent to the government, a review of the parameters and system of the zones is requested, but also new protocols that can identify the sectors to be restarted and those that must follow a stricter regime for territorial contexts specific. In this way, a classification is obtained that links the reopening of activities to the Covid circulation rates. It means that where the lowest Rt will be possible to evaluate the restart, although gradual, of some sectors. We ask to assess the restrictions that have been shown to be more or less effective, weigh which activities should be closed or limited and which can be reopened, with updated protocols. This solution is essential and adequate since some businesses have been completely closed for several months and the prolongation of this situation would be fatal. In reality, on this aspect the governors have shown different opinions and therefore it will be the government that makes the decision that can summarize the different positions. However, Hope does not back down: the penalty line must be confirmed, the incidence of variants remains strong.

The risk levels of schools

Also regarding the opening of schools and universities, the governors are asking for a new organization that can provide a specific risk numbering, taking into account the objective data of contagion in educational institutions and in the reference territorial context. But above all they want to implement forms of parental leave, as well as provide additional financial resources to support parents, in the event of the closure of schools at all levels due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation.

The compensation system

The refreshment button is the most used by the presidents of the Region, but also the one that Draghi wanted to reassure the members of the majority of the government since the beginning of his mandate. For this reason, immediately began the procedure to expand the control room to the ministers of economy, in order to assess the impact of the measures from a financial point of view. A line that the governors thanked yesterday, reiterating the need to activate compensation and safeguard responsibilities, guaranteeing contextuality regardless of who adopts the provision. But they also highlighted the need to always guarantee compensation both in the case of restrictive measures at the national and regional levels. in fact it happened that some local administrators and the governors themselves have delayed or even avoided closings precisely so as not to be called upon to compensate those responsible for the activities. That is why we now ask for clarification on state and regional competencies to align time and their effectiveness. Gelmini became a guarantor when he explained how the executive can and wants to ask him to participate in a decision-making process that certainly must be timely, that certainly must be lean, but that cannot fall on their heads.

CTS Spokesperson as Fauci

The composition of the Technical-Scientific Committee will change and it now seems obvious that the number of members will be reduced. But on one point the governors were unanimous: experts must speak with one voice as happened in the United States with the appointment of immunologist Anthony Fauci, delegate to speak on behalf of the president. After the controversy in recent days about the role of epidemiologists, doctors and other specialists, the government had already expressed its intention to limit that of members of the official structures and it seems obvious that the suggestion of the Regions will be accepted.

Feb 22, 2021 (change Feb 22, 2021 | 06:56)

