Campania in the orange zone from today, Sunday, February 21, with Emilia Romagna and Molise. More restrictive rules and measures for trips, bars, restaurants and schools. Stricter prohibitions and regulations, to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Italy and stop the variants of the covid, come into force after the ordinance with which Minister Roberto Speranza sanctioned transition from the 3 regions of the yellow zone to the zone of greatest risk. The color change comes after a day of 14,931 new infections and another 251 deaths in Italy. Campania reported 1,677 cases and 11 deaths, Emilia Romagna 1,724 positive and 23 deaths, Molise 93 infections and 4 deaths.
The turning point for Campania, Emilia Romagna and Molise is accompanied by reflections on the measures to be taken at the national level. Based on what Adnkronos learns, one is looming stop extension to travel between regions from February 25 to March 31. The hypothesis that circulated in recent days was that of a postponement until March 5, when the other anti-Covid measures would also expire. But in recent meetings, Palazzo Chigi would have considered extending the stop to travel, regardless of the risk zone, until March 31, and this would be, according to government sources, the baseline also in the Council of Ministers tomorrow .
The rules of the orange zone
– It is forbidden to circulate from 10 pm to 5 am, except for proven reasons of work, necessity and health. It is forbidden to enter and leave one Region to another and from one Municipality to another, unless reasons of work, study, health or necessity are demonstrated. Recommendation to avoid unnecessary trips during the day within your municipality. In any case, travel will be allowed from municipalities with a population of up to 5,000 inhabitants, within 30 kilometers of their borders, with the exception of trips to the provincial capitals.
– Closing of bars and restaurants 7 days a week Take-away food is allowed until 6 pm For home delivery there are no restrictions. Closing of shopping centers on holidays and the eve of holidays except for pharmacies, parapharmacies, food outlets, tobacconists and kiosks inside. Museum and exhibition closures.
– Distance education for secondary schools, except for students with disabilities and in case of use of laboratories; Face-to-face teaching for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Colleges closed, except for some freshman activities and labs.
– Reduction of up to 50% for public transport, except school transport. Suspension of arcade, betting, bingo and slot activities also in bars and tobacconists.
– Swimming pools, gyms, theaters, cinemas remain closed. The sports centers remain open.