“The Board of Arbitrators, convened in today’s session, decided by a majority of its members to apply the provisions of the Statute automatically in the event of expulsion of the parliamentary group and will proceed from today with the opening of proceedings against the parliamentarians to whom this The expulsion was announced by the group leaders of the Chamber and the Senate, after the vote of confidence in the government in recent days. ”This was communicated by the Board of Arbitrators.” Simultaneously “with the opening of the deportation proceedings” will begin a phase of careful verification of all the spokespersons who are not up to date with the reports, proceeding from today with the first opening of the procedure for the furthest behind. “
“I am not leading currents, splits, forming parties. I am trying to make certain battles from outside. If I had been a deputy I would have voted no.” Alessandro Di Battista said this on a direct Instagram. “How is it possible to support a government with Fi? Am I not okay with you now? Amen, then” when you read the sentence about the relationship between Dell’Utri and the mafia “It was fine, today it is not? They are the M5 that already they do not think like me, not me who no longer sees them as the M5. I will not make divisions or currents. Someone says I have the symbol of Italia dei Valori, but when? Who says it? He is a poisoner of wells. the M5s without slamming the door ”.
Chaos expelled 5S, bridges in the field but Crimi does not yield – There are no more certainties in the 5 Star Movement of the Mario Draghi era. The ax of the leaders over the dissidents of the Senate and the House fuels a new chaos, which is embedded in the heart of the Movement, the College of Arbitrators. Where one of the members, Raffaela Andreaola, in fact calls for the expulsion procedure against dissident parliamentarians to be stopped until the election of the new government. But the leaders go straight. Twenty-one deputies were expelled from the Movement group in the afternoon. “Enough tension, the M5S evolves and grows, let’s look at the citizens”, is the closing of Vito Crimi. But the voice of the political leader, despite the fact that Guarantor Beppe Grillo is in the same line, this time it is not enough. And the fratricidal war rages in the Movement, with Alessandro Di Battista ready to return to the trenches, on Saturday afternoon, with an Instagram Live. “It has been 920 days since the Genoa massacre. The families of the victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge have been waiting for the 920 days of the concessions to be revoked. Has anyone heard President Draghi talk about it? No!” The former deputy attacked in the morning preparing the way for total opposition to the Draghi executive, through which the “Dibba” does not want to leave the stage only to the leader of Fdi Giorgia Meloni. The puzzle, however, is where Di Battista’s opposition will be located at the party and symbol level. Since, even in these hours, there are those who bet that in the end the man in the square will return to the M5S at the right time. Maybe just to take the Movement. Those who are organizing, however, are the Orthodox expelled to the Senate and House. The numbers are there, the symbol may be there soon. “The IDV symbol in the Senate can create a Group made up of at least 10 senators,” Elio Lannutti wrote on Fb, already linked to the IDV before joining the M5S. In the symbol, among other things, there would also be the availability of the secretary Ignazio Messina. “So the dissidents take the IDV symbol? Are they happy …”, jokes a leading source of the Movement. In the Chamber it is not necessary that the symbol was presented in the last elections. Some rumors predict that for the new group, the name and symbol of Alternativa Libre, which brought together several exiles in the last legislature, may become fashionable again. However, not everyone is convinced of the formation of the new groups. Giovanni Russo, in the Chamber, is close to Fdi. In the Senate, the “greats” Barbara Lezzi and Nicola Morra have not yet dissolved the reservation. Meanwhile, there are those in the Movement who are trying to win back the dissidents, acting as bridges between the leaders and the Orthodox. “I remember that many colleagues who voted in dissent are a fundamental part of the Movement, as well as fraternal friends and comrades in many battles. We need unity now,” underlines Vice President Paola Taverna, one of the most “suffered” yeses in the Draghi government. While, among those expelled, many – from Michele Sodano to Matteo Mantero – point fingers at Crimi: “the choice of expulsion does not correspond to him, he had already threatened us.” And the internal war of the M5S dangerously intersects with the election of the new 5-member committee. At the moment, unofficially, the only two who have aired the candidacy are, paradoxically, two expelled: Morra and Lezzi. Di Battista, who is not formally outside the Movement, could theoretically be a candidate. In the government wing, however, uncertainty reigns. Alfonso Bonafede takes off, Luigi Di Maio has not yet made his first move, the current “Parole Guerriere” has also been divided in yes to Draghi. Confusion reigns, intolerance grows. “I’m not happy with this tafazzismo, we play the game of those who want to break us,” protests Fabio Massimo Castaldo.