Zones of Italy: orange for everyone divides the regions. Covid decree, Draghi at a crossroads


Rome, February 20, 2021 – Governors divide in the fight against COVID-19 and on the hypothesis of one orange zone throughout Italy, but united to ask for a sharp and clear change in the Draghi government. There Conference of the Regions summoned for 5:00 p.m. by the Governor of Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, it lasted about two hours (“We need a change of pace. The priority now is the vaccination campaign, it is going slowly”). On the table the system based on the division into color zones (white, yellow, orange and red) of Italy. Regions press for one color system review with stop and go (the last of which refers to tomorrow, Sunday, February 21 Emilia Romagna, Campania and Molise) that impose changes difficult to metabolize for citizens and economic categories (example in all bars and restaurants open in the yellow zone but closed in orange zone). The new vaccine dose reduction announced by Astrazeneca, move that has now exasperated governors. “Draghi makes himself heard in Europe,” asks Lombard President Attilio Fontana. And among the prime minister’s main problems will be precisely the one linked to the pandemic: here are the voices of the regions, the prime minister and his ministers (Hope in primis) the delicate task of finding a synthesis. Already on Monday, at the Cdm called for 9:30, the first important decision could be made, with the extension (or not) of the travel ban between expiring regions. On the table is the “decree law” with the “new urgent provisions regarding the containment of the epidemiological emergency.”

Government sources: plans to halt movements between regions from March 31

The government is considering extending the stop to travel between Regions until March 31. So not until March 5, when the other anti-Covid measures would also expire, as had been hypothesized in recent days. At the Palazzo Chigi meetings, there was talk of extending the stop to travel, regardless of the risk zone, until March 31. According to government sources, this would be the CDM line scheduled for Monday at 9.30 am.

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The demands of the regions

Some governors ask for a can criteria review currently overseeing the allocation of regions in individual zones. And it must be said in this regard that recently the reduction coefficient Rt to go to the orange or red zone. This is also due to the negative impact they have on the contagion curve. virus variants. When the meeting ends, the division remains among the governors. It is expected to understand whether the proposal to revise the criteria (perhaps in a more restrictive sense) to make it more difficult, for example, the passage in the yellow zone, will become unanimous. In fact, it has been seen that the passage to the yellow zone in many territories has led to an increase in infections.

But there are those who go against the current, like the governor of Liguria Giovanni toti which proposes to establish “a national yellow zone”, which includes “large reopens such as sports, gyms and swimming pools, entertainment, allowing restaurants to choose whether to open for lunch or dinner, to give everyone the opportunity to work.” For Toti it is necessary to expand the color steps “especially at the provincial and municipal level.” In short, localized closures. Massimiliano Fedriga, Friulian governor, asks to review “the list of productive activities at risk”: whoever cannot resume, thinks, must be compensated, the others must “reopen safely.”

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From Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, invokes “more objective” criteria. And he explains: “I am the first to go to see the multiplication tables of contagions, and I see that this morning we have 950, but Lombardy has 3,700: why is Lombardy the yellow zone and we stay in orange? I wonder a bit, so I would like this data to be what we are referring to: infections, intensive care, Covid squares occupied in hospitals, so that the criteria are clear, transparent for both the citizen and the president. If it is not clear to the president, can you imagine the citizen? ”.

Orange zone throughout Italy

But other regions support a more radical strategy, namely to institute a unique orange zone throughout Italy for some time in such a way as to lower the contagion curve that, on the other hand, in recent days registers less encouraging data (here the ogg newsletterthe). The request for homogeneous restrictions throughout the national territory comes from several regions. He was the first to interpret it Bonaccini who asked if it is worth establishing more restrictive rules for everyone at least for a certain period of time. And your health advisor, Raffaele donini talks about “color system failure”. With Bonaccini there would be Lombardy (Fontana), Tuscany (Giani) and Campania (De Luca). Moral: Governors are divided. The League against Italy is all orange, with Matteo Salvini who today has spoken out calling for “quick and limited” interventions in the areas of greatest risk, without “the whole country going into panic.”

All regions, however, agree on the need for a change of pace in the rules and in the timely communication of what the decisions will be, in the end, of the new Draghi government.

Bonaccini: “We need a change of pace in the vaccination campaign”

President Stefano Bonaccini at the end of the Conference of the Regions said: “Joint work and agreement between all the Regions, which in the next few hours will present to the Government a platform of proposals for the next Dpcm, in the conviction that it is necessary a decisive change of pace in the vaccination campaign and for economic recovery. That is why we also ask the Government an urgent meeting “. And he continued: “The priority now is the vaccination campaign. Goes slow. And this is not due to organizational problems, lack of staff or unavailability of the population. The problem is in the supply. For this we ask the Government to do everything possible to find more doses. The Regions are available in the forms and in the useful and possible forms, from the direct participation of companies and national supply chains. ”

“Today we have also dealt with all the issues related to the revision of the current system of rules that defines the entry and exit of the different areas. A revision and simplification is needed with the simultaneous revision of the classification criteria and parameters. We need a longer respite and an in-depth analysis of places and activities, also on the basis of already proven risk data. Not only that. The measures must be known well in advance and without delay by citizens and companies. “Finally he concludes:” All the Regions have then requested that for the measures they introduce particular restrictions for individual territories The indemnities for the categories involved are also activated at the same time. And for this it is also necessary that the regional restrictive measures be adopted with the agreement of the Minister of Health ”.
