Movements between yellow areas, the government decides on the new Covid decree on Monday. On the table of Regions the orange Italy hypothesis


Strengthen the color system, introduced last November Conte government, or put the whole of Italy in a kind of soft lock (with the rules of the orange zone) for a few weeks to slow down the circulation of variants. This is the first decision that the new executive headed by Mario draghi is called to take after the alarm given byFaculty of Health. The experts call for a strengthening of the measures, on the one hand because, as explained Gianni rezza of the Ministry of Health, “there are a change of course“In infections, on the other hand, because English mutation is “39% more contagious” than the original strain and is already present in our country in one in three positive cases. The minister Roberto Speranza, exactly one year after the first case of coronavirus Codogno, recalled that “we are still inside this challenge“Especially in the areas today“ most affected ”by the variants of Covid, which are a new trap“.

The first past is the new Covid decree that will be approved by cabinet, summoned to Monday February 22. In all likelihood, the layout will contain the Extension of the travel ban between Regions, due February 25. Immediately after that, the government will have to decide what restrictions to apply from from March 5, expiration date of dpcm that regulates the mechanism of color. Several scientists, from the scientific director of Spallanzani Giuseppe Ippolito to the virologist at the University of Milan Fabrizio Pregliasco, ask to maintain the current system, which, unlike other European countries, has so far prevented Italy from having a second national blockade. The emilian governor and president of the Conference of Regions, Stefano bonacciniinstead, it pushes towards the creation of a large orange area: now we need “homogeneous constraints“To” reject this new wave, “he said yesterday to Skytg24. But not everyone agrees: one took place on Saturday afternoon. Extraordinary meeting regional presidents precisely to seek a common line.

Bonaccini for now can count on the support of his center-left colleague from Tuscany. Eugenio Giani, according to which “the gradualness of restrictions through the color system it worked when there were phases with strong differentiations between territory and territory. Now there is one certain homogeneity“And Bonaccini’s proposal” is understandable, “he explained to Came back in La7. Agree too Attilio fontana, fighting in Lombardy with an increase in cases that yesterday reached a peak since early 2021. The President of Liguria, however, clearly opposes Giovanni toti: “After year of confinement I believe that citizens and companies expect quite the opposite“At the end of the summit, the former journalist even proposed“ a national yellow zone, which provides larger openings, such as sports, gyms and swimming pools, entertainment, allowing restaurants to choose whether to open for lunch or dinner ”. There is to support it Matteo salvini, today an integral part of the executive. The leader of the League asks to stop “with announcements, alarms and preventive fears that have characterized the last few months, if there are areas of higher risk, act quickly and circumscribed“Words that seem to exclude the hypothesis of an orange zone spread throughout the country.

The fact is that half of Italy is already in this risk range right now. After the last ISS monitoring, Campania, Emilia Romagna and Molise Abruzzo, Liguria, Tuscany, Umbria, Trento and Bolzano were added, which already for a week they are in orange. However, no region is formally rosso, even if in the areas where a greater diffusion has been identified, the variants have already occurred local lock. In the red zone are the provinces of Bolzano, Perugia, Pescara and Chieti and several municipalities in Lombardy, Tuscany, Molise, Lazio and Piedmont. But the “timely and aggressive” interventions at the local level requested by Gianni Rezza are likely to increase in the coming days. Only in these hours in the Lazio Two other red zones have been created for the high incidence of British mutation cases: these are Colleferro me Carpineto, in the province of Rome. A heterogeneous situation that requires maintaining high attention.

Citizens also know this well: according to the latest survey of Nando Pagnoncelli (Ipsos) for the Corriere della Sera, 38% of Italians are convinced that current restrictive measures, while 34% would even like tighter lock, limited in time but widespread throughout the country. 16%, for their part, requested a relaxation of current regulations. In the next few hours, Prime Minister Mario Draghi should make a comment with the ministry stakeholders and experts to assess their own the impact of variants, in view of the Covid decree expected at Palazzo Chigi for Monday. It will be he who will announce the line also depending on the orientation that will emerge from the governors. In any case, the intention seems to be to extend, at least for now, the prohibition of moving between yellow zones – which expires on February 25 – to have more time to work, even with the Regions, to single provision which will renew the anti-pandemic strategy of Palazzo Chigi.
