Covid in Naples, there is an infection alarm among children: the school-age group from 6 to 18 years is at risk


Campania is back in orange zone: the increase in positive Sars-Cov-2 cases that has been registered for weeks, combined with the increase in the incidence (number of cases per inhabitant) and the rate of spread of the Rt virus that has risen above the value, together with the The initial stress reported in some Covid hospitals and the invasion, for 25 percent of the swabs, of the English variant of the Coronavirus, pushed the epidemiologists of the control room that supports the Ministry of Health, to take action energetic. The new ministerial order will come into force as of tomorrow, Sunday, February 21, but the orange zone, according to the new regulations, will not have an impact on school activities. It will always be up to school administrators, mayors and prefects to monitor epidemiological data and draw appropriate conclusions from outbreaks and localized epidemic clusters. Measures can range from the closure and quarantine of individual classes to the interdiction of entire complexes. Therefore, for the establishment of red zones in municipalities or individual neighborhoods in the face of evidence of epidemic trends that cannot be controlled.

READ ALSO Campania orange: what to do

What is also worrisome is the spread of infections among young people and, in particular, in school age group between 6 and 18 years that in Naples, in the last two weeks, it has turned red and registered a 50 percent increase in infections, much higher than other proportions of the population. Young people with high social intensity and who for now do not participate in the vaccination plan. On the vaccines front, Campania is, meanwhile, completing Phase 1 (health and social health) and will only arrive at the end of February to complete the vaccination for the socio-health department. At the same time, the vaccination of those over 80 years of age (to date 15 thousand doses have been administered compared to 320 thousand elderly to be vaccinated) and of school personnel, but in Campania there are only 105 thousand people vaccinated with the first and second dose, 1.85 percent of the population.

Campania, with 69,229 currently positive people, has the highest number of infected people in Italy, around 20,000 more than Lombardy and roughly double that of Emilia Romagna, but benefits from a significantly lower hospitalization and symptom rate than all other areas of the world. Boot. There are currently 110 patients hospitalized in intensive care in Campania (373 in Lombardy and 183 in Emilia), while there are 1,313 hospitalized (about a third less in Lombardy and 600 in default in the Emilia data). The low hospitalization also has repercussions in a lower lethality of the infection, a fact that has remained in effect since the beginning of the pandemic. “If this scenario were to change – warns Enrico Coscioni, president of Agenas and health advisor to the president of the Region Vincenzo De Luca – perhaps because of the new English variant that now circulates everywhere in Italy and scares everyone due to the higher contagion rate We would also attend an increase in symptomatic patients in Campania and we would have a serious impact on the hospital network, which has been absorbing constant work on the laterals for months ”. In Campania, despite the decrease in the number of hospitalized for a week, there is a trickle of cases and a localized resurgence in Naples and in the province that push the crisis unit to a careful monitoring.


In the data of the national report updated to February 14, the Rt index of Campania stood at an average of 1.16 with a risk classification that remains moderate and an incidence that increases, in the previous 14 days, it returned to great altitude, 325 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. On the other hand, the occupancy rates for resuscitation and hospitalization beds in Medicine and Infectious Diseases are still below the alarm threshold, at 17 and 31 percent respectively. However, in recent experience, when these rates exceed the alarm thresholds (set at 30 and 40 percent) they already signal a situation out of control. Meanwhile, yesterday there was also a slight worsening of the picture with 1,616 positives compared to 1,573 the day before and a percentage of positive swabs of 8.20 percent compared to 7.91 on Thursday. Yesterday there were 13 deaths compared to 29 the day before, but 47 more currently positive, intensive care unchanged and 23 hospitalizations in addition. Finally, at 3 pm yesterday, 289,000 doses were administered, 76 percent of those available. There is still a long way to go.

Last updated: 23:01 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
