
Stopped considerably at school the new Prime Minister Mario Draghi during the opening speech in the Senate Chamber. And he didn’t say trivial things. On the contrary: he expressed concepts that suggest that a small revolution is coming.
Intolerable learning gap
Starting from the concept that the DAD increases the learning gap between students (“especially in southern regions where distance education has encountered greater difficulties” Why “while ensuring continuity of service, it cannot fail to create inconvenience and highlight inequalities”) And it is not comparable to face-to-face teaching, the new head of government said that all students should return to classes as soon as possible.
Always keeping the Covid prevention parameters high, the price to pay would be to insist on the diversity of time slots. Then it opens up to teaching and lessons in the afternoon.

“We need to quickly return to normal school hours, even dividing it into different time slots“Draghi himself admitted.
Schools always open
And the novelty would not be insignificant. Because since January the entry time to high school has already been staggered by a couple of hours (mainly with 40% of students entering around 10 in the morning).
Therefore, one would think that Draghi’s reference may be a double shifts of lessons. A decidedly more demanding eventuality than the current one, given that to organize such a school (with morning and afternoon classes) the strengthening of the teachers and the so-called Covid will surely not be enough. Therefore some additional substitutes will not be needed, even among the Ata.
Investments are needed
How it will be necessary to roll up your sleeves, as well as invest a lot of public money, to prepare tens of thousands of plexuses for summer lessons.
“Align the school calendar to the needs derived from the experience lived since the beginning of the pandemicAs Mario Draghi said, it actually means allowing teaching to roll out well beyond the beginning of June, when the natural end of lessons has been planned for decades: the goal could be to give lessons in person until the end of June.
For air conditioners in reduced times
An eventuality which, as we have repeatedly mentioned, cannot however ignore the implementation of hundreds of thousands of air conditioners to distribute in classrooms.
Its facilities, it is true, could come with the funds of the Recovery Plan: only that the synchronization of the credits with those of the purchase of air conditioners runs the risk of not being functional for the purpose.
We believe, in light of the scorching temperatures in our schools already in the first ten days of June, that we cannot do without it.
Bewildered families
Having said that Italy is one of the countries where there are more school days per year, so under normal conditions it does not seem necessary to increase them (at most they could be ‘distributed’ differently), more than a few doubts have already been raised. expressed about it, including by parents.
The hypothesis of school year extension to July was one of the questions posed by Eurispes during the implementation of the Italy 2020 Report, now in its 32nd edition: well, only 32.9% of those interviewed said they agreed.
Obviously, we have already mentioned it, the families are very well aware of the difficulties to do 6 or more hours of classes in extreme heat conditions.
“Joint” problems
As we have already pointed out, to bring the end of the year three weeks forward it would also be necessary postpone state tests, which in this way would also move to August.
And if you still have to stay at school in August, Ata teachers and staff when they will be able to take advantage of the 32-36 days of vacation provided by the national collective agreement? These are questions that the government soon, but even before the new Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, will inevitably have to answer. It will not be easy.