the government’s strategy Draghi-


Red zones to stop foreign variants of Covid-19 and the acceleration of the vaccination campaign also using the barracks and airports. After the alarm of the Higher Institute of Health due to the spread of the virus, the government is studying measures to try to keep the epidemiological curve under control, which is again uphill. The strategy seems to exclude blockade at this time, focusing on specific interventions as is already happening with the closure of entire areasand decided locally, but in agreement with the executive. It seems difficult that there could be a easing of prohibitions, although in the coming days a survey will have to be carried out to assess whether and how to satisfy at least part of the requests for the different categories. One of the priorities continues to be vaccinate citizens as quickly as possibleI and for this, military and civil protection volunteers will participate in hangars and barracks, preferred to the inspector’s primroses Domenico Arcuri.

The Dpcm that expires

The axis between Roberto Speranza and Mariastella Gelmini, the new minister of regional affairs, is starting well, but the containment strategy of the Covid-19 will only be finalized in the coming days. Also because in view of the expiration of the current Dpcm, scheduled for March 5Prime Minister Mario Draghi will have to decide whether to use the same method or proceed by decree, leaving the power of opening and closing ordinance to the ministers.

The red zones

The way to avoid the national closure passes through the closure of towns, cities and entire provinces where the English variant, but also that Brazilian and South African that so far seem resistant to vaccines. Zones you can’t get out of and where you can’t get in, where travel is prohibited and the most stores are closed. For this reason, mayors and governors have reiterated the need to intervene urgently, also closing schools, as soon as there is a perception that they are positive for the mutated virus.

Italy in color

The color system should remain with red, orange, yellow, and white banding, but the presence of the variants could lead to further tweaking of the parameters. Currently with the Rt in 1 enters the orange band me with 1.25 you enter the red band, but it is not excluded that scientists propose lower thresholds even further. The government will then have to decide which activities to keep open and which to prohibit in different areas.

Cinemas and theaters

The resumption of the show in presence one of the requests that for months has been pressuring the ministers and also on this will have to make an evaluation by the new executive taking into account that many companies are in serious trouble and most rooms are in danger of not reopening.

Millions to be vaccinated

Delays in the vaccination campaign – mainly due to lack of delivery by the pharmaceutical industries – will have to be recovered. That is why we are thinking of involving Civil Protection and the military to intervene in those regions that run the risk of accumulating more delays due to lack of personnel and adequate places to administer the doses.

Barracks and airports

Only Chow is it happening in Lazio– where a wing of Leonardo da Vinci airport was found – we will also try to follow the same example in other areas using barracks, gyms, hangars and have the help of military and civil protection volunteers to vaccinate citizens. The most likely hypothesis is that support for governors – including distribution – get well of the structure that depends on the Palazzo Chigi, leaving instead the commissioner Domenico Arcuri exclusively dosing delivery.

Feb 16, 2021 (change Feb 16, 2021 | 07:12)

