New lock? A clear message that could lead to further hardening and that the executive is evaluating, as confirmed by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini, at the end of the meeting with the CTS. “The pandemic is still strong, we can not joke. If it is necessary to make decisions rigorously, they are made.” But the first to split the line is the scientific community: hard blocks for a couple of weeks or “selective” interventions. That the situation is serious, experts and technicians have been saying and writing for days in official documents. And the note with which Palazzo Chigi made the order signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza to the government to block the opening of the ski lifts – knowing that it would trigger the protest of the governors of the North and the part of the new majority. that supports them, League at the helm – confirms that the line chosen is rigorous.
The problem of variants The scientists’ analysis leaves no room for interpretation. “The spread of variants with higher transmissibility – says the ISS study – can have a significant impact if the appropriate mitigation measures are not adopted.” A position that is in the same vein as that of the European Center for Disease Control (Ecdc). “The situation is very worrying” underlines the director Andrea Ammon, who later warns: if the measures are not maintained or “even strengthened”, in the coming months there could be a “significant increase in cases and deaths”. Already in the minutes of Friday, therefore, the CTS had underlined the need for “a rigorous observance, strengthening and increase of the measures”, both at the national and local level, “avoiding new measures of disclosure.” A message that had reached the Council of Ministers on Saturday and that led to the order of closure. However, scientists are not that compact on how to intervene.
Mixed opinions from experts The appeal of the consultant of Minister Speranza, Walter Ricciardi – total confinement for a limited period of time – was picked up by the virologist Andrea Crisanti and by the specialist in infectious diseases of the Sacco of Milan Massimo Galli, according to whom, however, a total of the closure would make sense if it were accompanied by a mass vaccination. Gimbe is also favorable: “without a total lockdown for two weeks, we will have to continue with the stop and go throughout 2021.” The director of Spallanzani Francesco Vaia and the Councilor for Health of Puglia Pierluigi Lopalco, according to which “surgical and selective” closures are needed.

The government movement How will the new government move? The line will be given by Prime Minister Mario Draghi in the Senate, indicating it together with the other pillar of the fight against the virus, the mass vaccination campaign that the professor has already made known as a priority for the country. But first there are at least two other knots to be resolved: the pressure from the center-right in the government to corner the commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri, and the relationship with the Regions, already discussed during a year of conflicts with Rome and now risk of deflagration. “We are not asking for anything,” Matteo Salvini responds to those who ask him if the League will ask for his resignation. But then he adds, “I don’t think he’s solving many of the open questions, I think he will need a hand.” It helps that, for the League and especially for Forza Italia, it has the name of Guido Bertolaso, as Antonio Tajani admits in the light of the sun. Confirming Arcuri would be a mistake. The solution? Bertolaso ”.
Rythm change Beyond the individual, the request is for a “change of pace”, especially in relation to territories. From Zaia to Cirio to Fedriga and Fontana, regional presidents have harshly criticized the decision to close the plants at the last minute. But the real objective is another and is to weigh more in the decisions that are made. The president of the Conference of the Regions Stefano Bonaccini himself confirms that this is a problem of method. “Hopefully this is the last time, it is unacceptable. We found out from the news agencies what happened, we asked the experts for fewer interviews and a little more work where we have to discuss.” Words to which Gelmini responds, promising a change of course: “we must change the method of communication”.
Pescara: increased infections Meanwhile, concern is growing in Abruzzo about the increase in infections in Pescara, which today registers the record of new cases (308). The province, along with Chieti, has been in the red zone since Sunday. The metropolitan area is worrying, where the English variant is rampant, to which -according to the latest estimates from the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the University of Chieti- 65% of infections are attributable, a percentage that increases compared to the last days . “The variant is now dominant”, says the director of the facility, Liborio Stuppia, according to whom a “hard blockade” is needed in the area. It would be one of the areas of Italy where the variant circulates the most.