After the restorers of Liguria, it depends on the operators of the science: the government closes? And they open the same. Happens to Plain of Vigezzo, 1,720 meters in the municipality of Craveggia (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola province, in Piedmont), in the Vigezzo valley of the same name, in Alta Ossola. Here, despite the stop in the Cesarini area that came from the government, the facilities they work regularly.
Given the decision of Minister Speranza, those responsible for the ski resort have opted for disobedience: “On Friday the Region had assured us of the opening and we have prepared everything, sure, to reopen. And that’s what we did, ”says Luca Mantovani, one of the owners of the company that manages the plants in the Piedmont valley near the canton of Ticino.
And if at the moment there is no news from other ski resorts that have decided to ignore the ban, surely everyone is united in a harsh criticism of the government, for having announced the stop a few hours before the planned opening. Runways prepared, skipases reserved and now reimbursed, restaurateurs who had stocked up, hoteliers ready to receive guests, families with vacations already taken and suitcases ready to go: Minister Speranza’s change of course has put everyone in crisis. The executive announced immediate relief.
Coldiretti: season farewell costs 10 billion for related companies
The closure of the plants even in the latter part of the season is destined to have an effect not only on the ski slopes but on the entire economy that revolves around winter tourism, which has an estimated value of between 10 and 12 billion before the Covid emergency. euro a year between direct, induced and supply chain, says Coldiretti.
Governors Wrath
From Veneto to Piedmont, wrath of the governors. It is said the president of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio “Shocked by this decision.” Luca Zaia asks the operators of the sector for compensation for the delay with which the government’s decision arrived. “There is no respect for lack”, attacks il President of the Aosta Valley Region, Erik Lavevaz. And of “Unacceptable method”, also speaks the governor of Emilia Romagna and president of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccin.
Last update: 11:37