The message comes from the councilor of the Health Minister and needs no interpretation: “It is urgent immediately change the strategy to test the Sars-Cov-2 virus: a total lock all over Italy righ now, which also includes the school closings saving the essential activities, but of limited duration. “This is what he said Walter Ricciardi, according to which, in addition to the general closure of all activities, “the tracing and the vaccination campaign strengthened ”.
“It is clear – it is Ricciardi’s opinion – that the strategy of Domestic partnership with the virus, adopted so far, is ineffective and condemns us to instability, with a high number of deaths every day. I will discuss it with Minister Speranza this week ”. The minister’s advisor did not mention the question of variants of Covid, but it is clear that the increase in infections is affected by the spread of the latter in all segments of the population. On Friday, the ISS explained that at that time English variant represents the 17% of cases registered in Italy, a percentage that will lead to “5-6 weeks” be the prevailing strain, the warning of the president of the Institute Silvio Brusaferro.
Also for this factor, listen to Ricciardi all the possibilities of meeting must be absolutely avoided: “They are not compatible with the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy and the Cableway fall into these activities. They must not be reopened. Let us not forget – Ricciardi stressed – that the English variant arrived in Europe precisely ‘passing’ from the Swiss ski lifts ”. It’s the same warning that comes from Scientific technical committee in the light of “Changed epidemiological conditions”. At present, the CTS explains, “the conditions do not seem to exist for more releases of the Containment measures current, including those planned for the amateur skiing sector “, the Committee’s response to the request of the Minister of Health to” re-evaluate the existence of conditions for the reopening “of the ski”, referring to political decision maker the classification concerning the adoption of stricter measures “.
The new analysis of the Scientific Technical Committee, which on February 4 gave the green light to skiing in yellow zone although with a series of limitations (sales skipass contingentati me 50% plants), arises from the study carried out by experts from the Higher Institute of Health, the Ministry of Health and the Bruno Kessler Foundation precisely about the spread of virus variants in Italy. An analysis carried out in 16 autonomous regions and provinces from which the presence of variants in the88% of the regions examined, with percentages ranging between 0 and 59%. In light of this, the study recommended “intervening to contain and slow down the spread, strengthening and raising the measures throughout the country and modulating them further where the highest is the circulation, in any case inhibiting new releases of the current measures “.
Responding to Speranza, the experts emphasize in the first place that the epidemiological situation “continues to be a fundamental prerequisite” to be able to proceed with the reopening and that in any case any action “must be evaluated with caution regarding the possible impact “on the territories. Also because the measures envisaged for the yellow areas” demonstrate the capacity to mitigate a potential growth incidence but do not determine significant reductions “which, on the other hand, are observed in orange areas me Red. There are also two other factors to consider: the recovery of school in attendance, whose “impact should be monitored before evaluating new releases”, and, in fact, the presence of the virus variants that, according to the study, are causing a new growth of the epidemic, “with a sustained impact on Systems of health “.