After the oath and the first council of ministers yesterday Prime Minister Draghi and his team of ministers are working on the next files that will be addressed from the health front to the economic front. On Wednesday the first confidence test in the Senate Chamber (THE EXECUTIVE’S TIME).
At the first executive meeting, Draghi called on the ministers: ‘Let’s work together to restart the country. We come from different stories and experiences, united by a difficult time. ‘
Overcome the health emergency, with an acceleration of the vaccination campaign, and meanwhile build solid foundations, with the Recovery plan, an economic recovery that promises to be “slow”. This is the mission of the government headed by Mario Draghi, at a “difficult” time for the country. In the speech on trust in the Chambers, the prime minister will lead the way, stating his priorities.
Those who have had the opportunity to speak with him in recent days foresee that he will do so, as in his style, with a speech with essential lines, short and without frills: every word will be weighed in the programmatic intervention that Draghi would have already begun to install. . And it should be very concrete, on the key points of the executive’s action and on behalf of the dialogue with Parliament. Europeanism will be, as anticipated in the partisan consultations, the first foundational feature of the government. In the EU, Draghi is preparing to assert his weight in the direction of further integration, starting with budget policy, with the push for permanent Eurobonds, after the experiment of the next generation of the EU. In foreign policy, Atlanticism is the beacon.
Youth, environment, vaccines, are three other keywords for the former president of the ECB. Along with “social cohesion”. We must overcome – observed the prime minister in recent days – five emergencies: health, economic, social, educational, cultural.
The vaccine plan, which will be accelerated following the British model, improving logistics, production and supply, is the first concern of the new premier: only after having achieved herd immunity can the restart be strengthened. The school is another difficult and central chapter, with the possible extended calendar and the commitment to fill all the chairs in September. Tourism and culture, then, two sectors in trouble to restart and relaunch. Draghi’s approach includes the will to make the government work on two levels: that of immediate measures, starting with the decree that will have to decide how to use the 32,000 million in deficit authorized by Parliament for soft drinks; that of the broadest and longest-term measures. Eyes obviously on the recovery plan, which is expected to be largely rewritten: more funds for health care, more investments, with faster procedures. And fewer bonuses.
The Draghi government is born
Because, as Draghi explained in August at the Rimini meeting, the debt signed for reconstruction can be “good” if it is used for production purposes, if it is unproductive it will be a drag for the future. Environmental sustainability, also in job creation, and technological innovation are the two basic guidelines destined to guide the elections, based on the Recovery projects. The resumption of construction works and the boost to investment will also be the driving force to increase employment and provide opportunities for young people. Draghi’s first major emergency will be to undo the knot at the end of the block of layoffs at the end of March: between the lines of the speech in Parliament we hope to read, if not an answer to be agreed with the social partners, the first clues about the direction that will follow. In Parliament, which will vote in his confidence with a large majority, Draghi should ask for dialogue and constant confrontation, to give firm legs to the government’s action. In fact, not only the Recovery, but also the three major reforms that the prime minister intends to carry out will go through Parliament: progressive tax reform, public administration reform and civil justice reform. Three big companies, which will require time, but above all “cohesion”.
THE ECONOMIC DOSSIER, IMMEDIATELY LA GRANA DELL’ILVA – Sixty days to close the hot zone. On the day of the new government’s swearing in, while the ministers still have to complete the handover and arrangement, the old Ilva problem erupts for the umpteenth time. A new ruling from the TAR of Lecce which, having rejected the resources of Arcelor Mittal and the old company under extraordinary administration, obliges the detonator to stop the most polluting activities of the Taranto plants within a maximum period of two months. Once again the fate of the steel mills rises to the top of the thorniest files for the government, which will already have to deal with some emergencies in the next two or three weeks, from folders to snacks. The first test will be, in fact, the new decree to distribute the 32 billion non-profit funds already authorized by Parliament. The new Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, will find a draft provision already in the drafting process, on which, however, some political decisions will have to be made, starting with the expansion of the Cig Covid and the related block of layoffs. According to the unions, emergency job protection should be carried out at least until a reform of the social safety nets is put in place that leaves no sectors exposed in times of difficulty. The first signs of the new executive’s orientation could come from the round of meetings organized by the new minister Andrea Orlando who, with the first formal act of the government, summoned the unions and then the representatives of the companies for Sunday and Tuesday . The issue of layoffs is one of the hottest but equally disruptive, in the short term, it could also be the arrival of the avalanche of tax invoices suspended for a year because of Covid: the collection machine, in fact, without new interventions, it will restart from the beginning of March. The compensation of taxes and “equalization” for damages to economic activities should have been included in the Ristori 5 decree, candidate to be the first decree law of the Draghi government. This could possibly be anticipated by the provision that the ‘portfolio’ will entrust to the Ministry of Tourism and that will rewrite the competences of the Mise and the Ministry of the Environment, to become the super-ministry of ecological transition.