Words of welcome from Angela Merkel in the direction of the newborn government headed Mario draghi.
Saying for sure “Italy and Germany will be together for a strong and united Europe”, the Chancellor gave her personal welcome to the new Prime Minister, who was sworn in today and then celebrated the first CdM.
His words, as is customary on the German political scene, were reported by a spokesperson tweet of the government, Martina Fietz:
“I wish Mario Draghi all the best! Italy and Germany will work together for a strong and united Europe and for a multilateralism that offers our young people a better future ”.
European leaders welcome Mario Draghi
It was not only Merkel who gave her personal welcome to Mario Draghi, expecting close collaboration on the European front.
In fact, he was among the first to comment on the installation of the new Italian executive led by the former number one of the ECB Christine Lagarde, who in recent days had said that he was confident of Draghi’s ability to revive the Italian economy.
This time the president of the European Central Bank expressed her wishes and hers through a short tweet. “Dear congratulations” to the newly appointed prime minister:
“Dear congratulations to Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who has dedicated decades of public service to Europe and Italy. I wish you, as you take on this task, to lead the government in the best way for all Italian citizens ”.
Congratulations to Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who has spent decades dedicated to public service for Italy and Europe. I wish you all the best to take on the task that lies ahead, leading the government in the best interest of all Italian citizens. pic.twitter.com/EVA0nnTOAN
– Christine Lagarde (@Lagarde) February 13, 2021
The President of the European Council also showed a decidedly positive welcome Charles Michel, who personally welcomes Draghi using l’hastag #whateverItTakes, with a clear reference to the phrases uttered by the former president of the ECB and considered by many as capable of saving the euro:
“Congratulations to Prime Minister Mario Draghi on the formation of the new government in Italy.”
