A kind of revenge, his. Because Patrizio Bianchi, the new Minister of Education (here is the complete list of ministers in the Draghi government), is no stranger to the world of education, on the contrary: he had been chosen by former Minister Lucía Azzolina to coordinate the group of ministerial work on the resumption in the months of the pandemic. I had worked on it for a long time, listening to all the protagonists, taking notes, matching needs and expectations. And then he had put up a text, which would become the sacred text for the school to resume in September. It is a pity that this document, ready in May, has practically never been taken into account. Perhaps it would have been useful to open a debatehe commented bitterly. And he poured his comments into a book, On the School Mirror, little consolation. A much broader recognition follows. Because obviously his ideas have not gone completely unnoticed: now you can put them into practice with the authority and the means to do so.
Technical and political
The former rector of the University of Ferrara, his hometown, is 68 years old, and he is not a pure technician: he graduated with honors in Political Science, at 24, at the University of Bologna, where he was a student of Romano Prodi and for Alberto Quadrio Curzio. And prodian remained, while broadening his professional horizons: after having studied at the London School of Economics, in 1980 he became a researcher at the Faculty of Economics in Trento, before moving to Udine and then to Bologna. At Alma Mater, in 1986, he was appointed associate professor and, eight years later, professor of Economic Policy. In 1997 the transfer to the University of Ferrara, of which he became rector in 2004 and reconfirmed until 2010. But his political soul resurfaced when he became Councilor for Education in Emilia-Romagna for two terms, first with Vasco Errani and then with Stefano Bonaccini, two center-left governors. Task that allowed him to get his hands dirty, taking care of the not easy rebuilding schools after the earthquake. And in fact, after the appointment, the best wishes came from Governor Emiliano: I would like to send a detail good luck to Patrizio Bianchi, who was a councilor of my council in the last legislature and who was the creator of the first Pact for Employment in Emilia-Romagna – the position of President Stefano Bonaccini – His appointment to the School is the recognition of the great work carried out throughout the years, even here.
The awards
Practice and theory, high profile and reality awareness they get married in Bianchi, who was also president of the Crui Foundation, the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities. Commander of Merit of the Italian Republic since 2010, he was awarded in 2015 by the National Academy of Lincei for his activity in the social and political sciences. Married to Laura Tabarini – two children, Lorenzo and Antonio – he has around 250 scientific articles and 40 books published in Italian, English and Spanish. Disembark at the Viale Trastevere ministry he will leave the post of professor of applied economics at the University of Ferrara and the Unesco chair of Education, growth and equality.
School and work
I am very happy and excited about this assignment. I’m sure you will have everyone’s help. We have to start a new school, we will succeed, he told the specialized magazine Orizzontescuola last night. His programme? It can be guessed in his book, that he imagines a school projected into the world of work: time to invest in education, not only to overcome the Covid emergency, but to look further, to rediscover that development path that seems to have been lost in the long years in which individualism and populism have prevailed and which must be based on the values defined in our Constitution. The new century of continuous connection needs citizens carrying not only content but also creativity, teamwork, abstraction and experimentation skills, sense of orientation to be able to navigate in the open sea. The school must respond to these needs and advance, together with the country, in the direction of inclusive and sustainable development.
February 13, 2021 (change February 13, 2021 | 08:47)