The big day has come. Mario draghi go up to the Quirinal at 7 pm to dissolve the reservation and inform the president Sergio Mattarella the composition of your new government. The political forces, consulted twice by the prime minister in charge of the programmatic content, were essentially kept in the dark during the choice of names.
In recent days, and even more so in the last hours, various hypotheses have been formulated, especially with regard to the so-called technicians, which Draghi may have assigned to key ministries. But it seems certain that politicians will also find their place in the new executive. Some names are already given with certainty: Luciana Lamorgese within; Marta Cartabia placeholder image to Justice; Dario Franceschini to cultural heritage; Andrea Orlando at work.
The different political forces have tried to get the former president of the ECB some indications about possible candidates for the flag: someone sending or making public a shortlist of candidates, others acting through bridges and spokespersons. But all attempts seem to have failed. More than one political leader said during the day, questioned by reporters, that Draghi intended to move in the original spirit of thearticle 92 of the Constitution, which only attributes to the Prime Minister the task of proposing ministers to the President of the Republic, who is then responsible for the appointment.
The official announcement of the government team will take place after the meeting between Draghi and Mattarella. the Party room del Quirinale has already prepared to host a representation of the press. The journalists were selected by lottery (anti-Covid measures require a reduced number of presences), as happened with the consultations. After the passage to the Quirinale, the President of the Senate will receive Prime Minister Draghi at the Palazzo Giustiniani, Elisabetta Casellati.
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Feb 12, 2021 (change Feb 12, 2021 | 19:36)