Homosexuality Covid risk behavior homophobia


Homosexuality as “risky behavior”, along with “drug addicts” and “subjects addicted to prostitution”. The assessment, sensational in itself, is even more impressive because it can be read in black and white on one of the forms to access the Covid vaccination of ASL5, the local health company of Spezzino, in Liguria. A document in which, in addition to the applicant’s personal data, thirty categories of subjects are listed among which to declare. From pregnant women to health care students and law enforcement workers. Up to point 10, to subjects with “risky behaviors”: drug addicts, prostitution subjects, homosexuals. “A clear error, we recognize it, for which we can only apologize, – admits the director of the health company Paolo Cavagnaro – but we are also trying to explain ourselves.”

“Before giving answers and clarifications, we would like to understand where this module comes from – it was the first explanation of ASL5, as soon as the case emerged on the network – we are still investigating to understand if it is false, or if it is the result of a lightness “. “We asked the Region, Alisa and the ASL5 how it was possible to include – without the least scientific evidence – being homosexual in the categories of risk behaviorsMeanwhile, regional councilor Ferruccio Sansa announced, the first to report the incident on social media. “We hope it is false – explains Sansa – That is why we tried to request information from ASL5: after 13 unanswered phone calls, including the public relations office and the covid-19 service. Finally the public health and vaccination office responded: “Yes, we know that sheet, but we did not make it.”

Among the causes of the “error” on which the La Spezia ASL offices are questioning, as a first hypothesis, would be to have traced in the preparation of the form for the anti-Covid vaccine “an old document used for blood donations, when homosexuality was still indicated among the risk behaviors “, it is explained.” In case – continues Cavagnaro, director of ASL5 – it will be immediately eliminated from the forms “.

And if the case soon turned into a political storm (“We apologize to the Ligurian citizens for not being able to avoid being ruled by a ruling class of this nature”, the regional councilors Davide Natale and Luca Garibaldi attack from Pd and Art. 1) In one morning the error was also explained and acknowledged. “The document was downloadable on our intranet, available to our health professionals who work in the vaccination registry – they explain again from ASL5 – Operators who must question those who are to drive, but certainly cannot do it with these references, classifications that are obviously not correct in our culture. This is a mistake, period, so please excuse yourself and correct it by processing a new form. “

The twwet of Raffaella Paita, deputy of La Spezia from Italia Viva: “It is not a joke but a shame that must be canceled immediately”

The President and Councilor for Health of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, “strongly stigmatizes and condemns what happened in Asl5, in relation to the highly discriminatory communication for access to phase 2 of the anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign.” It reads in a note. “This is an unacceptable error” and therefore President Toti “immediately gave a mandate to the ASL5 to withdraw the communication and to the offices to start an investigation to identify responsibilities and adopt disciplinary measures. “Asl5 apologizes on behalf of the entire Ligurian health system to all citizens who have been offended.”
