
Some kind of boxer played, Vito Crimi, the M5 leader who no longer knows what to say to defend and justify the work of his party fighting with the consultations with Mario draghi. In the end, it seems, deciding will be the voting antics on Rousseau, the elusive platform worth one. Hand things in hair. And it is precisely this imminent vote that we are talking about DiMartedì, the program led by Giovanni floris in La7, where we find the boxer playing Crimi compared to Alessandro Sallusti.

And the director of The newspaperAgainst the pentastellate, he beats very hard, as always, without getting angry. “I tell you sincerely, without double meaning: I appreciate your courage, because showing your face tonight, as the M5 is, requires courage “, pressed a corrosive Sallusti. Who in a very short turn of office adds: “I take you the distance: are you still convinced that one is worth one in politics or that perhaps the merit is worth more than one is worth one?”

“I am always convinced that one is worth one – answers Crimi -. One is not worth the other, but one is worth one when it comes to making decisions. In these cases, the importance of collective intelligence has never let me down. And here Sallusti drops the decisive pillar: “So Danilo Toninelli is worth Draghi? “And Crimi, visibly embarrassed:” Look, go and make these comparisons … I say that Toninelli did his job well as a minister, I support him. ” And why haven’t you confirmed it? “, Sallusti urges him.” Perhaps he forgot that the Ministry of Transport was later taken over by the Democratic Party, “replies the grillino. Floris thinks about placing the tombstone:” As if Toninelli were an expert in transport … ” the curtain falls.