It is difficult, without more details, to transfer the few words of the president in charge to the reality of Italian schools Mario draghi as reported by their interlocutors in yesterday’s consultations. Certainly, the new government will have structural measures in its program to reactivate education. and, in addition, in the Recovery Plan there are 29 billion available for reforms and improvements in the sector.
Change the calendar
But Draghi – reported the parliamentarians of the groups who met him yesterday – also spoke about the school calendar and the recovery of the months lost with the pandemic emergency. Does this mean that schools will end at the end of this year? And how long after? Will there be measures for everyone or only for those who really lag behind? Will they all go to school until the end of June, as some experts have already raised, or will primary and secondary students, who – apart from some regions – have not missed a few days of classes to finish as planned?
The facts about dad
To answer these questions we will have to wait a little longer, probably the new Minister of Education. But the directors have already pointed out that the extension of the school year and the continuous change of the complex calendar (explained by Mario Rusconi, head of the Lazio directors union) and that in any case could only be a moderate lengthening (Antonello Giannelli, at the head of the National Association of Directors). To begin with, it would be useful to know who and what lost, with a study on learning like the one that some other European countries have already done: in France and the Netherlands, for example, the survey among students yielded surprising results. (more in language skills than in mathematics) and other expected (students from disadvantaged backgrounds suffer the most). Then there are the regions, like Campania, where even elementary school children were very few in the classroom and others like Veneto, Tuscany, Lazio, where daddy was used only for secondary schools.
The doubts of the unions
Hoping to understand how, the union Snals says he is against the extension of the school year: The intervention of prof. Draghi, about the school world, is puzzling – says the secretary Elvira serafini – By stating that the school year must continue, it shows that it assumes that nothing has been done to date, canceling all the work of months with a sponge and communicating to families and students the feeling that what has been built so far together , it represents nothing, on the contrary, it was a mere waste of time. Doubts also of the CGIL: the school stood firm and did its part, despite bad decisions – notes Francesco Sinopoli, CGIL – The solution is not extension, but programs aimed at recovering learning. And also for Maddalena Gissi (Cisl) Before talking about the remodeling of the days, I would talk about the increase in school hours and the quality of the training offer for those who attend our schools today and will pay our debts in 20 years. As for the start of the school year, there is only one need: do it quickly. While Pino Turi (Uil) explains: We do not know what Draghi thinks about the school, but if we talk about changing the calendar, lengthening it opens an evaluation that does not recognize the role of a real school in distance learning only in presence. Dad is recognized, as we have been saying for some time, as an emergency didactic strategy.
At school all june
The end-of-year extension – which continues to be one of the most discussed hypotheses in recent months – collides with two other problems: the high school exams, which will be the first decision that the new Minister of the School will have to make: like last year or change the formula? – they start in mid-June and end in mid-July. They can be postponed a maximum of one or two weeks but no more, on pain of extension in August, too late for those who want to try the selections for foreign universities (in addition to too hot). It should not be forgotten that the length of the school year is decided by law, but that the calendar is modulated region by region, also according to climatic needs: sending students to classes after mid-June in schools without air conditioning could be more harmful than profitable. . As a teacher, I find it useless to extend the lessons for a couple of weeks – confirms Rino Di Meglio, secretary of the school -. Apart from the objective difficulties that it would entail, both from an organizational point of view with end-of-cycle examinations, and from a climatic point of view, with mostly inadequate school buildings, such a measure would be ineffective with respect to the recovery of learning of the students. Rather, it would be more appropriate to fund individual remedial courses for students who are truly behind.
The logistics puzzle
If the extension is until the end of June, there should be no particular problems with the teachers who are available until the end of the month for ballots and various tasks, even if the unions are against changing the calendar. They point out that, if you opt for this option, it will be necessary to know the capacity -in June- of the classrooms: extend the school for a couple of weeks, if high school students only attend 50% of the lessons – It means extending a single week transforming the new measures into a symbolic gesture.
Ad hoc courses for those who need to recover
The hypothesis that, on the other hand, we had already begun to think about last month, was that of ad hoc courses for students who need a review or recover learning in some subjects. Courses such as those that are usually carried out at the end of the year for those with disabilities and that should already be activated even after the first term. It usually consists of 8-10 lessons of one of the main subjects (Italian, mathematics, languages). These courses could be reformed and made available to a wider audience, given, among other things, that even more funding is available.
The unknown of Easter
Last year there was talk of blowing up the Easter holidays for students and teachers to make up for lost days. The hypothesis remains in the field: it would make it possible to make up a maximum of two or three days of school and, therefore, would again have a more symbolic than practical value.
Come early
Finally, there remains the idea of restarting the next school year early, that is, on September 1. There had already been talk in vain last year: the Regions had got in the way because that would have caused a contraction in tourism. In reality, the real problem to work on for the early start of the school year is that of the presidents: this year tens of thousands of substitutes were appointed in December. If you can’t anticipate and speed up the process over the summer, getting kids and teens to school on time can simply prove useless.
February 9, 2021 (change February 9, 2021 | 15:03)