Just the titles, without going into details. In total there would be eight points – or rather macro areas – that the president in charge Mario Draghi listed to the delegations of the political forces with which he meets in Montecitorio. for the second round of consultations. “He talked a lot and there was little room for questions from us,” says a MP who has just emerged from an interview with the professor. Interview in which Draghi elaborated a broad program that includes the objective of the maximum reforms, linked to Recovery: public administration, civil justice and taxation.
The first of the points that the president in charge presented to the delegations outlines the position of the executive that Draghi defined as “convinced European” in the options and also in the challenges of the future. Riccardo Nencini says at the end of the consultations: “A strong pro-European framework and a reference to Atlanticism.” And on the challenges, adds the Socialist senator, Draghi “has come to put on the table the question of a common European budget and therefore a vision that does not concern only the present but also an approach to the future”.
In addition to pandemic emergency, even before Covid, there was environmental and this emergency “will be reflected in all the points of the program.” Then the third point or the vaccination campaign Draghi would have defined as “the most imminent emergency” to resume work and consumption. So heeconomic emergency that “refers primarily to work.” The prime minister in charge would have said that “a recovery is expected but it will be very slow” and therefore, he added, it is necessary “to protect people who will not have work.”
Manfred Schullian explains about linguistic minorities: “Draghi spoke a lot about the environment, work and business and there he said that we must avoid making non-refundable contributions, but companies must be financed so that they can resume their activities. above “.
But not only the emergency for companies. Given that many are in debt, the prime minister in charge would have said we have to think “something for banks too“. Another point the school: for the premiere, the school calendar will be reorganized due to the loss of school days and the teaching staff will also be strengthened. Finally, infrastructure and opening of works. Last point, connected to Recovery, “Three major reforms: public administration, civil justice and taxation”.
On the issue of civil justice, Emma Bonino reported that she had also referred the issue of criminal justice and prisons to Draghi: “The president in charge referred to three fundamental reforms, which are those requested by the European Commission: the tax authorities , bureaucracy and justice. From this point of view we have combined not only administrative and civil justice, but also criminal justice with the dramatic entanglement of the situation in Italian prisons ”.