how many (useless) controversies for Fazio’s interview with Obama-


Obama hiring? Free. Not even a euro. Fabio Fazio on Sunday certainly brought home a coup (and it is not the only one in recent times and not) with the interview with former US President Obama. High profile interview that led to Rai3 to be the second network (behind Rai1) while Obama talked about his latest book A promised land; listen what they raised What’s the weather like to an average of 3 million and 543 thousand viewers (13.2% share), with peaks of nearly 5 million (4 million and 672 thousand, a participation close to 17%). In short, a success, also at no cost.

In social networks, as usual, there was a queue of those with their finger raised who do other work but still want to show it to those who have been doing it for years. Chapter Cachet. Luciana Littizzetto gave the answer: «How much does it cost us? How much do we pay you? “,” Zero, don’t worry. ” In short, the controversy was stopped in the bud. And on the other hand, a misleading controversy: because in general the guests are paid … Chapter questions. How many “would have asked”, “would have asked”. In short, everything better than Fazio. Given that there could be a thousand “correct” questions before the former president of the United States, Fazio tried to show the more human side of Obama, without forgetting the political issues (Trump, democracy, capitalism …). I could have done better or worse, but the feeling is that approval and disapproval are tied to one’s opinion of Fazio, regardless of his questions …

Translation chapter. Here too many disputes on social networks. There were those who asked for subtitles (which are obviously impossible live) even if some clues suggested that the interview had been recorded before, but even in this case the option to show the event as if it was live is understandable, to give the viewer the idea. that what was happening was happening right at that very moment. “Obama, I also speak very clearly”. The Public Service (but TV in general) is aimed not only at those who know English, so translation is a necessity that should not be underestimated … If there were any flaws (but it is common on TV, such as carpets unbearable that haunts many shows, especially Sky Sport) is that the desire to make the original play in the background has meant that Italian and English overlap, giving the listener (especially if they are trying to pick up the original English) an effect annoying echo. To conclude unsolicited advice (which everyone gives you a lot on social media): You don’t like Fazio, you don’t like his questions, you don’t like the translation … watch American television directly.

February 8, 2021 (change February 8, 2021 | 16:06)

