Rome, February 8, 2020 – For the decision that all Italians are waiting for, that of change between regionsIt will be the most classic of the decisive weeks. An expression that usually means postponement to a later date. the February 15 in fact expires on mobility ban expected from last Dpcm, but with a government crisis in between, no one wants to take on responsibilities that could have a negative impact (in terms of electoral consensus) if the election were to turn into a wave of contagion Out of control Coronavirus. Even more so now that the variants of Covid threaten a third wave and we run to cover ourselves with it micro red areas. But there is always a but. And if certain conditions are met, a decision about the trip, restaurants reopening at night and of gyms it might even be a surprise.
The actual situation
For the moment, the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia it was one of the few that was exposed publicly. “Will be there new government – he said – make an assessment, and based on the epidemiological framework, of the mobility between the Regions in the different bands and especially in the yellow band, also because any limiting measure requires a specific decree law ”. on the subject of new Dpcm an open royal front during inquiries, with various exponents of the Northern League who have sworn – once they come face to face with Mario draghi – that the premier investigator will no longer use that tool.
What could happen
On February 15, if no decision is made, will expire the mobility ban and on the 16th you can move between yellow regions. But if Draghi manages to secure a majority and form a new government team in a week, one could soon arrive. extension of the prohibition – by decree law – that will prevent this type of trips. A choice that at the moment seems the most plausible, given that the infections are recovering, the variants begin to spread in patches and the introduction (as of today) of the so-called red microzones has taken place.
The node of restaurants and curfew
the March 5 many other bans expire, including the one on curfew between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. restaurants close at 6pm (in the yellow zone). By that date, the government must decide whether to confirm or eliminate them. Much will depend on who joins the Dragons team. The CTS has specified that it has never given the green light to the reopening of restaurants at night. But the governors press.
Gyms and cinemas
About gyms and pools, the Scientific Technical Committee is examining a protocol that should allow at least the output of individual lessons. For cinemas and theatersOn the other hand, the situation is more fluid and a possible reopening on March 6 is being evaluated.
Ski resorts
The CTS last week gave the green light to reopening of the ski lifts in the yellow zone, accepting almost in its entirety the protocol of the Regions, with the exception of the green light in the orange regions: requested by the governors (although under certain conditions), but rejected in its entirety by the Scientific Committee. Therefore, skiing should restart from February 16, but the issue is clearly intertwined with the knot of movements between regions. Also in this case, the next follow-up of the ISS on Friday will be decisive.
The Hope Exception
The only case, although highly unlikely, in which a decision could be made before the formation of the new government team is when Roberto hope he remained Minister of Health. Leu’s exponent remains among the eligible candidates for the chair, but a step forward seems to be a truly distant scenario.
Rt Italy and index of regions. Issue data for today February 5
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